job search

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'Show up underdressed': 26 Ways to completely fumble an interview

'They're not prepared for you on your first day': 40 Red flags people spotted in their new workplaces

'They're not prepared for you on your first day': 40 Red flags people spotted in their new workplaces

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'Does she think this is my dream job?!': Interview goes horribly wrong when the interviewee forgets the position he applied for

'She is refusing because she thinks it's immoral': Boss refuses to give employee a job recommendation because they're married

'She is refusing because she thinks it's immoral': Boss refuses to give employee a job recommendation because they're married

Vent after an inteview

'No point asking you anything else': Rude hiring manager makes interviewee cry after second interview

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

'This project was done during a bad phase of the moon': Programmers share the reddest flags they've ever come across on resumes

'This project was done during a bad phase of the moon': Programmers share the reddest flags they've ever come across on resumes

Ghosting FAILS: Cringeworthy Tweets About Getting Ghosted in This Day and Age

Ghosting FAILS: Cringeworthy Tweets About Getting Ghosted in This Day and Age

scam company gets laughed in their face during an interview

'What kind of BS company is this?': Company charges employees $50 bi-weekly to work from home, man hilariously goes off during group interview

‘I’m a Latino Engineer and I Have to Use a Fake Name Just to Get Interviews’ - Grad Student Gets Repeatedly Rejected, Ends Up Taking Position As Janitor

‘I’m a Latino Engineer and I Have to Use a Fake Name Just to Get Interviews’ - Grad Student Gets Repeatedly Rejected, Ends Up Taking Position As Janitor

Funniest Job Interview Memes for People Who Can’t Stand the Small Talk

Funniest Job Interview Memes for People Who Can’t Stand the Small Talk

TikToker uses Smash or Pass trend to say recruiters use LinkedIn to hire attractive people

TikToker Uses the Viral "Smash or Pass" Trend Jokingly As a Job Recruiter and Sparks Debate in the Comments

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It's So Easy!

application flyer Image job hunt job search sign - 5098561536

Jack of All Trades for Hire

Image job search marijuana want ad - 5068443136

A Skillset That's in High Demand

Image job search procrastination - 4979962880

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