
job interview

'The call was brutal': Candidate reveals interview panel's incompetence, they all get fired

'The call was brutal': Candidate reveals interview panel's incompetence, they all get fired

Have you ever had this crushing anxiety that you shouldn't be doing the job that you're doing? That, although you're a consummate professional, really you're just a child inside of a giant robot controlling it with an off-brand controller. You fear people discovering this secret and revealing that you actually have no idea what the heck you're doing and don't deserve any of the success that has been handed to you. This is imposter syndrome, and many people suffer from it—and in part, it's true,…
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'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

Sometimes you have to fake it ‘till you make it, that may or may not include your salary. I’m not sure you're on the right side of ethics if you do this.
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30+ interview memes for folks on the job hunt

30+ Interview Memes for Folks on the Job Hunt

Let's put it this way: it is just as important to know what not to say in a job interview as it is to know what you should say. We all know that there is a false etiquette when it comes to applying for jobs where you have to, I don't know, pretend to be a functioning human being in this world. Of course, if you actually end up getting hired, you can start revealing your true self. That being said, it's important to put on that fake smile and a false sense of confidence when you walk into that r…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs candidates work interviews job-seeker workplace-discussion workplace job interview interview - 20910597

'The manager was wearing shorts and flip-flops': Candidate told to dress professionally by interviewer wearing shorts and flip-flops

When you make a request of someone to uphold a certain standard, do a certain thing, or act a certain way, there's a general expectation that you will uphold the same—acting in a manner that makes your request appropriate. It's called “leading by example,” and people seem to really struggle with it, with many leaders making no attempt or actively avoiding having to do so. This job candidate reported being specifically asked by the HR worker, who was setting up the interview, to ensure that they…
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job interviews antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace now hiring workplace-story candidates tales-from-the-workplace interviews job-seeker hiring workplace job interview interview - 20748549

'I was flabbergasted': Interviewer calls candidates current employer without asking

The usual decorum for interviews is that of subtlety—and for good reason. The fact that you're looking for other work is one that you'd probably prefer your employer wasn't aware of. Their gut reaction could very well be to fire you and secure the future of their business and the security of their company. Now, jobless, the job you were applying for now has much higher bargaining power over you than they held previously. For this reason, it's usually an unspoken rule that an interviewer As an a…
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jobs toxic-workplace job-seeker workplace job-candidate interview now hiring job candidates interviews hiring job interview - 20869381

'Coldest Regards': Job candidate's passive aggressive cover letter goes viral

The modern job application process is as dehumanizing as it's intended to be. Apply to 200 jobs, and you might hear back from five, eventually getting an interview with three, with (hopefully) one actually having a chance of progressing to employment. Long gone are the days of “Turn up at the office and chuck your CV at the nearest manager" to prove your gumption. I highly doubt that method was actually as efficient as we've been led to believe. Still, if your older relatives are to be believed…
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'The job listing read $110,000':  Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

'The job listing read $110,000': Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

Companies falsely advertise salary ranges far too often, and the consequences are a lot of wasted time on potential candidates' part, never mind the recruiters. OP applied for an account executive job with a job description that offered a salary between $90k and $110k. Yet when OP was asked about salary expectations in the interview, the hiring manager acted surprised with OP's offer… even though his credentials were out of the ballpark. Companies just don't seem to have a moral compass anymore…
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired job job-seeker workplace-discussion workplace job-candidate trending creativity in the workplace job interview viral-workplace-stories - 20642565

'I thought everything was going OK': Worker fired for using her phone one month after starting new job

This worker shared her experience on Reddit's r/antiwork workplace subreddit community, telling of how she had been fired for using her phone from her new job despite never being given any warning that this was an issue. She had just started the new job a month ago, and although it was in a new industry she thought the job had been going well, but had never received any kind of employee handbook or had any rules regarding phone usage explained to her. “If I had been told that I was not supposed…
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'I'm still wearing a fake mustache': Former employee gets offered the interview opportunity of a lifetime

'I'm still wearing a fake mustache': Former employee gets offered the interview opportunity of a lifetime by a clueless recruiter

When the opportunity is too good to pass up, don't ever let it slip through your fingers. Job interviews bring a multitude of emotions with them, but usually the main two are anxiety and excitement. Interviewing is tough no matter what stage of your career you're in. It's exciting to have the opportunity to check out the company and see if it's the right fit for you. But on the other hand, it causes most people a ton of anxiety, since you're being judged for your abilities, and have to come up…
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job job hunt candidates work new job interviews job-seeker toxic-boss workplace job interview toxic-work-environment - 20524805

'We will contact our lawyer': Company threatens candidate with legal action after they leave a review of their interview experience

Feedback is important but usually not well received. People generally don't like hearing all of the things that they could have done better; those with overly inflated egos tend to take this especially poorly. Sure, it doesn't feel good, but most of us would take the feedback—maybe apply it, maybe not—and move on from it. Only occasionally recollecting the exchange when the intrusive thoughts move in while trying to go to sleep at night. Rather than doing this, this company decided that they ne…
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antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story job candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20525573

'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

Starting a new job is stressful; you've traded the relative security of whatever job you've just left for the uncertainty of a new one. This entire process, from start to finish, is time-consuming and emotionally draining, leaving you hoping that you'll never have to go through it again… and then you get fired on your second day. This old bait and switch probably means that either someone realized they didn't have the budget for a new role that they thought they did, or layoffs are on their way…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job reddit thread Reddit job interview toxic-work-environment - 20483333

'We want to ask you to delete this comment': Job candidate leaves honest review about interview experience, CEO claps back and gets lawyer involved

This review could not have been more measured. Perhaps that's what made the CEO so upset.
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20384517

'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

You should always be wary of the “walk back” as a manipulation tactic. Often used in sales and scams, the seller starts by offering something acceptable and slowly changes the terms of the deal to something that might have been unacceptable to start with but is now reluctantly accepted due to the sunk cost of invested time. Consecutive slight alterations to figures or terms should always raise red flags, and if something doesn't seem right you should always trust your gut instinct, just as this…
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work stories toxic-workplace work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 20364549

'We prefer workers who sit at desks in chairs': Candidate with back problems gets kicked out of Zoom interview because he wasn't sitting at a desk

We've all been given radio silence from recruiters before, but this is a new level of savage ghosting from a potential employer. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/DentistThink4578 , who opened up about a horrible Zoom interview experience he had recently. The original poster has serious back problems that make sitting in an office chair hard to do (hence, the need to work remotely). During the interview, he set up his laptop on a lap desk and used a neutral background…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story interviews job-seeker workplace job-candidate job interview interview employment - 20347397

'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

Just a tip for the next time you're in a job interview: Don't tell the interviewer that you're more qualified for their job than they are. That's… just not going to end well for you or your prospects. This three-part story has taken place over the course of just as many years, with the original poster returning this week to provide a wholesome update and conclusion to their tale of the most insolent job candidate they ever interviewed. The tale starts with the candidate “Annabelle” coming in fo…
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workplace-stories work stories job work scam reddit thread Reddit job interview - 20375301

'Never pay to get a job': Applicant discovers numerous red flags at company, walks out of 'shady orientation'

You know it's not a good sign when you have to pay for your own job training.
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