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'Not happening...': Terrible lazy coworker tries to get a reference from a frustrated former team member

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30+ Subtle Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Immediately Catch

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'Call the cops? If you insist': Guy makes a scene at the reception of job interview, leaves in handcuffs

'I'm so dumbfounded': Law student sits two hour interview only to be subsequently told the position is unpaid

'I'm so dumbfounded': Law student sits two hour interview only to be subsequently told the position is unpaid

HR lady asked me to pay £650 for training and became very rude when told I can't afford it.

Update: 'This is a scam!': Recruiter demands upfront payment from new hire for training, gets upset when they refuse

'I an holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'I am holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

What are subtle red flags at a job interview that say "working here would suck"?

'You'll be wearing many hats': 20+ Job Interview Red Flags You Might Be Missing

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'I just walked out of a job interview': 7 Top Trending Threads Where Candidates Walked Out of Interviews

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Viral Thread: Hilarious 'Service Desk' Job Description Doesn’t Sugar-coat the Reality of the Job’s Duties

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Thread: Recruiter Wants to "Negotiate" Lower Salary, Actually Wants to Trick Candidate Into Taking Lower Pay

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Viral Thread: Certified-Idiot Interviewer Hits On Married Woman

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Part III: The Most Disastrous Job Interviews People Ever Had

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Part II: The Most Disastrous Job Interviews People Ever Had

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Part I: The Most Disastrous Job Interviews People Ever Had

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Guy Walks Out of Job Interview After Company Lies on Job Description