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'Why should we hire you?': Relatable Interview Memes for Resume Peddlers Wondering If Unemployment is Really All That Bad

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

Top 20 Job Posting Red Flags of the Month (June 15, 2023)

Top 20 Job Posting Red Flags of the Month (June 15, 2023)

30+ interview memes for folks on the job hunt

30+ Interview Memes for Folks on the Job Hunt

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'The manager was wearing shorts and flip-flops': Candidate told to dress professionally by interviewer wearing shorts and flip-flops

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'I was flabbergasted': Interviewer calls candidates current employer without asking

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'Coldest Regards': Job candidate's passive aggressive cover letter goes viral

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'Karma for the old manager': Hardworking employee earns her dream job over her ex-boss, gets a 60% pay raise and a happy ending

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'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

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Job Applicant Undergoes Four Rounds of Interviews and Free Labor Only To Be Rejected

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'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

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'We prefer workers who sit at desks in chairs': Candidate with back problems gets kicked out of Zoom interview because he wasn't sitting at a desk

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'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

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'They are not qualified': Worker blocks old coworker and boss's applications when they interview at worker's new company

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

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'11pm is NOT the appropriate time': Employer follows up with job candidate in the middle of the night, candidate withdraws application