
instant karma

reddit reddit-thread bus bus-ride public-transportation petty-revenge revenge petty instant-karma karma entitled insolent

'[You can't] push past people without so much as an 'excuse me'': Entitled bus patron gets served instant karma on a crowded bus; misses her connection after getting trapped behind people

Public transportation has a whole myriad of unspoken rules. For those of you who are too privileged to ever hop onto a bus, train, or subway, read no further, because the nuances of the transportation methods of the huddled masses will go right over your head.
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit instant karma karma - 22619397

'I'll make it so you can't get out!': Hooligans drive up closed road, hunter traps them in

Entitled and self-serving people flouting simple rules and common courtesies rarely go unchecked. While you might wish that karma would intervene, it's important to keep in mind that any time you come into contact with someone who is behaving in an unpredictable or antisocial way, the best thing you can do is not engage with them for your own safety.
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coffee shop instant karma tantrum Starbucks mobile order coffee karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 22517765

'You don't get to just waltz in here and take that. I don't care if it is your drink': Entitled Karen throws a tantrum over a mobile coffee order, tries to make customer wait in line

If you enjoy reading stories about entitled people who think the world revolves around them, then you're going to want to stick around for this story. So, a woman goes to pick up her Starbucks coffee after ordering through the app, only to be forcefully confronted by a Karen who gets infuriated when she sees that people who ordered online get their drinks before her.
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customer service instant karma malicious compliance server retail waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry drive thru - 22479109

'They literally rammed the car in front of them': Drive-thru operator watches car full of impatient bros rear-end another customer

Usually, immoral irrationality and disrespect towards others go unpunished, making those perpetrating that behavior to be more encouraged since, well, they got away with it already. Occasionally, though, the universe will react in kind and drown them in a karmic ocean of their own making. In these instances, the world feels like it is in balance, with just deserts having been served in ample portions. Working in customer service, you'll seldom get to see this play out, with the irrational getti…
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'We won the... grand prize': 25+ People who witnessed instant karma play out right in front of their eyes

'We won the... grand prize': 25+ People who witnessed instant karma play out right in front of their eyes

These people believe that karma had their back, with instant results.
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karma couple entitled entitled-people plane airline flight flight-attendant instant-karma seat first-class ticket airplane airlines flying karen kevin

'Karma is real': Couple gets what they deserve after harassing their chubby neighbor on a plane; flight attendants enjoy petty revenge in the form of a cold shoulder and TSA bombardment

Nobody likes being in a plane. The food is gross, the air is stale, and for some reason, you're always fighting your neighbors for every spare inch of leg room. But even when you're vying for space between an ex-football player and a woman holding a screaming newborn, it's still far worse to be caught in the cross-hairs of a Karen on a tirade.
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karma instant-karma justice road-rage road-rager parking-lot flipping-off public-freakout petty-revenge revenge cart shopping-cart honk honking

'Instant Karma': Road rager learns a lesson after flipping off the wrong ladies in the parking lot, gets a shopping cart to the bumper and a taste of justice

Road ragers are acting like they're not blind with rage at the slightest inconvenience and swerving wildly at the drop of a hat just because they watched Fast and Furious once. Newsflash buddy, you're driving like an absolute donkey and you're a danger to society. In this case, a road rager actually got a bit of karma after messing with a couple of sisters in a parking lot.
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karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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instant karma revenge entertaining-stories petty revenge driving driver jerk karma traffic-stories - 20347653

'I honked at him': Horn-honking pickup driver gets a taste of his own medicine

The honking of one's horn is a divisive subject; either you're someone who uses their horn frequently and liberally, or your car might as well not have had one installed in the first place. In my view, the horn is there for a reason: to make sure others are aware of your presence if you're concerned they're not already or to make them aware that the traffic light turned green ten seconds ago. Don't get me wrong; there is a multitude of ways that people abuse and misuse it—protecting your fragil…
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instant karma entitled parents entitled entitled-story karma karen entitled people - 20109573

Entitled family takes theatre seats, gets karmic reward

Taking something that isn't yours—or is otherwise claimed or being used by another party—is generally a bad move. If you've ever considered doing this, maybe you should reconsider… or just go home and rethink your life. ( You don't want to sell me death sticks…) This family's behavior is eerily similar to that annoying child who would take your seat in class when you got up to do something and would refuse to move since you didn't call “dibs” or “tap-tap seat back." I think it's safe to say tha…
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Today I quit my job of 6 years, effectively canceling my boss' vacation plans. Reddit, what stories of instant karma do you have?

'I quit my job of 6 years, effectively canceling my boss's vacation plans': 10+ People who earned instant karma for their actions

Instant karma is coming for these bad managers and other impolite people, whether they like it or not! In this classic r/AskReddit post, u/barrygibb first told their own story of exceptionally instant karma. Then, they asked for people to sound off in the comments with their own stories! Lots of people shared work stories , like one baker who put their boss in an awkward position after the baker decided to leave, taking their finest recipes with them. Meanwhile, other people posted some awesome…
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road rage tailgate tailgating driving driver wreckless passing speed limit police ticket speeding fail instant karma cruise control rural backroads highway sketchy dangerous

'Instant karma!': Impatient driver gets what he deserves after harassing and tailgating a local man on a dangerous, rural highway

Road rage is a slippery slope that a lot of people have fallen victim to. For some reason, the anonymity behind the wheel gives people a false sense of power and safety, prompting them to do things and act in ways they wouldn't if they were just walking on the street. However, behind the wheel of a 2 ton iron box on wheels, people get irritable, impatient, and fired up. One man, u/iceariina , dealt with the brunt of classic road rage on the dark, midnight streets of a rural highway along his co…
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instant karma cars lol french dash cam funny Video - 107778817

Idiot Brake Checks Truck, Gets Instant Karma

It's a bad idea to brake check a truck. It's an even worse idea to brake check a truck without looking around to see if there are any cops around. This one's got the added flavor of a perturbed French guy lauding the outcome of this total BS traffic move.
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instant karma cars dumb idiot pass stupid - 107705857

Idiot Passes On Shoulder, Gets Instant Carma

Good going dude.
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AAA customer lies about baby being locked inside car, gets keys locked in again

AAA Customer Lies That He's Locked A Baby In His Car, Gets Instant Karma

Don't lie to AAA, apparently.
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line cutters at border get instant karma

Line Cutters At Border Get Instant Customs Karma

Well, isn't it the consequences of my actions.
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