
instant karma

‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

A neighbor can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on the situation. Then, what would you do if your neighbor ‘demanded’ that you remove or replace your fence? Which would you do—give in or stand your ground? The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) has been living at his house for a while. Soon after moving in, OP and his next-door neighbor erected a fence between their two homes without consulting a surveyor. Living in a peaceful area bro…
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Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Never underestimate the impact of a diligent but disgruntled worker. Having said that, what would you do if, after working hard for a few hours, the person tasked with paying your bills came back and made a crude comment about how bad your job was and how you didn't even deserve the minimum wage? The following story tells the tale of a resentful painter. The original poster (OP) claims that he exacted revenge on a client in the 1990s who didn't appreciate his commitment to excellence or the ext…
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood petty revenge reddit property fence expensive payback karma feud instant-karma city snitch

Neighbors snitch on the guy next door for a petty infringement, he returns the favor 10x over: ‘KARMA’

We've all learned one critical thing from scouring the Internet for entertaining stories of petty revenge–Never start a feud with your neighbor.
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Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

It could be said that a large portion of one's life is consumed with the full range of unwanted inconveniences. These situations can vary from the minor to the major, from the temporary to the permanent, and from the eye-roll-inducing to the screaming-in-your-pillow reactions. For the sake of our collective amusement, we will be focusing on life's mildly infuriating moments today. You know, the kinds of situations that are intensely frustrating but not life-altering. In fact, at most, these mom…
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'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

Typically, parents want to give their kids everything they could possibly want—or, more precisely, everything they need to be successful and happy. But what if your parents kept a record of every single expense they ever incurred on your behalf? Do you have to pay them back, or are they supposed to shoulder the cost of your upbringing? The account that follows is the story of an astonished girl. On her eighteenth birthday, the Original Poster (OP) received a lengthy and detailed document detail…
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‘I win’: Hotel employee outsmarts demanding guest, leading to an unplanned checkout and pricey journey home

‘I win’: Hotel employee outsmarts demanding guest, leading to an unplanned checkout and pricey journey home

Serving customers is never an easy job. However, meeting the demands of tourists can be 10 times more challenging. Sometimes, in the rush of things, we forget that the ordinary folks who serve us—whether at the restaurant, hotel, or valet—don't work for us; instead, they are just regular people who are trying to make it through their shift with as little trouble as possible. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated hotel employee. The Original Poster (OP) works for a four-star hotel…
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'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

Karmic intervention is coming for those who need to be humbled. Just ask the people who shared their favorite stories of the times it's happened to them. It happens to every driver at some point: you're minding your business, enjoying a relaxing drive on the highway, when some dude decides to tailgate you. Some folks just have road rage, and all they want to do is compete with everyone else on the road. It seems like there are a few different types of these drivers. Some are trying to go fast,…
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 ‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

Some like to complain, while others take pleasure in solving problems. However, for a strange reason, we always encounter the 50% of the population who get their kicks from criticizing and complaining about those around them. The account that follows is the story of an innocent bystander who was the target of an irate customer who was attempting to mail an item through the postal office. At this point, you probably think this is just another typical event. Unfortunately, it probably is. But thi…
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'[He] hurled his phone off the cliff': 25+ Instant karma moments that took people by surprise

'[He] hurled his phone off the cliff': 25+ Instant karma moments that took people by surprise

Sometimes the universe deals you a bad hand, and how you handle that is totally up to you. Life isn't fair, and bad things do happen to even the best people. For example, a lot of people shared stories of the instant karma they've experienced on the road. While driving, numerous people shared tales of the times they were being tailgated by the driver behind them. That's when you're driving and the person behind you is riding right up close to your bumper. They're letting you know that they thin…
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impatient patient instant karma line cutter cut in line satisfying revenge relatable waiting petty revenge queque restaurant line waiting in line Reddit retribution wasted time karma - 23585797

'I made sure he wasted his time': Guy gets payback against an impatient line-cutter at a restaurant by neglecting to inform him that he's waiting in the wrong line

Entitled people often don't realize when they're disrespecting someone. Lost in their own world and wrapped up in their own tiny lives, self-important folks don't realize how their actions are affecting the people around them– especially those of us too polite to clap back. However, once in a blue moon, entitled naivety can punish someone without conflict.
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karens instant karma karens in the wild karen karma karen story karma karen fireman firefighters revenge police - 23587333

'What are you doing? My car is ruined!': Firemen total hydrant-blocking Karen's car to run a fire hose through it

You shouldn't ever park your car in front of a fire hydrant—and that's a known fact. It's one of those things, like parking in a disabled parking space, that immediately labels you as someone who has no regard for other members of society. Should your car be towed or smashed to smithereens, the rest of us would sit back, shrug, and agree that you had it coming… Sure, there's the possibility here that you yourself were in a rush, stressed, or just having a bad day and made a genuine mistake, but…
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'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces instant karma as firefighters are forced to break car windows for hose access

'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces karma when firefighters are forced to break her car windows for hose access

We all know the agony of circling around multiple blocks in desperate search of a spot to parallel park on the street. You suddenly see your opening and do a little fist bump in relief, only to pull up and see a fire hydrant. A little part of me always wants just to snag the spot anyways and hope not to get a ticket. Well after reading this story, I think I'd rather circle the block for hours instead of risking parking next to a fire hydrant.
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petty revenge reddit tradesman handyman blue-collar tradie work working job site worker workers employee borrow karma instant payback

'Always happy to help a fellow tradesman– but not this guy': Lazy handyman won't move his car to assist a fellow contractor, gets denied a ladder loan that complicates his own job

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Handymen and tradesmen have been living by this law for centuries and it's arguably one of the few industries left that follows the old-school, handshake contract traditions. Through the uncommunicated secret bond of fellow tradesmen, most blue-collar guys would go out of their way to help a guy out with their project, simply because they know that the good karma will come back to them at some point.
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'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

You can never exactly predict when and how karma is going to strike. Sometimes, the people who deserve it the most get off easy (for now). But when karma does come into play, the results can be glorious. I'll never forget the time I had a friend who was so insistent that their wedding would happen the way they wanted it to that despite the forecast of good weather, it started to downpour during their outdoor wedding ceremony. It was the kind of climactic situation no one could have predicted (a…
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'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet':  20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet': 20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

We could not be rolling our eyes any harder at these moments that will make you facepalm. The internet is forever, no matter what you do. Thanks to internet archives, even if you delete something, it's still likely to float around the internet every now and again. For example, I imagine the person who posted about a “leaf” found in their burrito bowl wishes they didn't Tweet about it. That's because even though they thought this was your average everyday outside leaf, it was not. It's a bay lea…
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instant karma beer satisfying malicious compliance petty revenge host bartender reddit thread Reddit payback funny karma keg bossy - 22719237

'It was glorious and the first 30 people in line thought so too': Bossy host scolds bartenders and gets instant karma

Instant karma, just how we like it. So there's this dude behind the bar, serving up drinks for a massive party of around 400 people. And if that ain't stressful enough, in walks the grumpy host who's been acting like a total snob from the moment he strutted in. He's all about having things his way, and he's got zero faith in our poor bartender's ability to do his literal job. Our bartender is seething on the inside, but the guy's paying the bills, so he keeps it cool. To make matters worse, the…
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