
instant karma

Messy roommate gets what she deserves when she constantly leaves her fellow roomie's bathroom a mess, so the fellow roomie teaches her a well-deserved lesson with bleach

‘Very satisfying’: Woman is fed up when roommate leaves a recurring mess in her bathroom, so she cleans the space with bleach and indirectly ruins her roommate's clothes

The roommate was given three separate warnings... can't really blame the woman at this point.
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Employee watches in the background as arrogant employee ruins his career, making the company a safer, better place

‘Dude made his bed’: Egotistical colleague ruins his career, whose promotion leads to a mass resignation and his eventual firing

Karma always finds those who deserve it.
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Entitled landlord attempts to pin $5600 of damages on innocent tenant, so they enact petty revenge to make sure no other tenants have to deal with his shadiness

Landlord tries to falsely pin $5600 of rental damages on tenant after they move out, so they compile evidence from other tenants to prevent landlord from scamming again

"Using the legal background of my fiancé, we send a strongly worded letter building on my input. As a result the landlord paid the deposit in full two weeks later and I never heard back of him."
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20 Hilarious Examples of Instant Karma That’ll Make You Believe in Cosmic Justice

Instant karma is one of those magical phenomena that makes you think the universe really does have a sense of humor. It's when the cosmos delivers a swift dose of payback right when it's needed, and it's downright satisfying to witness. We've rounded up 20 of the funniest real-life instant karma stories from Redditors who caught it all in action.
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Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

It's commonly believed that it's improper to mix business and pleasure. However, what would you say if, after all of your effort, your sibling refused to compensate you for your labor and time? The story below is an account of a frustrated brother. For a living, the original poster (OP) remodels houses. So when his brother asked whether he would be willing to refurbish his house, he immediately said yes. OP even gave his brother a discount in exchange for his devotion and good name. However, th…
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After dumping rubbish in  shopping cart, a resentful customer takes action against the entitled litterbug by shoving the trash back in her car

After dumping rubbish in shopping cart, a resentful customer takes action against the entitled litterbug by shoving the trash back in her car

Those who think they are above the law and can never do anything wrong are the worst kind of people. The story that follows is from a disgruntled onlooker. A few years back, the original poster (OP) and her spouse visited Disney World in Orlando for a brief three-day stay. While they were there, they decided to visit Costco and pick up on a few supplies. Instead of the trip to Costco being just another ordinary day, OP was left speechless by the time her husband finished the shopping. Basically…
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Entitled landlord demands former tenant leave his washer and dryer behind, despite being owned by the tenant, leading to landlord's intense ultimatum

Entitled landlord demands former tenant leave his washer and dryer behind, despite being owned by the tenant, leading to landlord's intense ultimatum

Keeping a friendly rapport with your landlord is essential if you want to make the most out of your stay. And yet, how would you feel if your landlord threatened to call the authorities if you didn't leave the dryer and washing machine behind? The story below is an account of a bewildered tenant. The original poster (OP) had just moved out of her apartment. After living in the same apartment for a considerable amount of time, OP had decided that it was finally time for a change of scenery. So,…
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Enraged student eagerly complies with entitled professor’s misguided instruction, wiping out three years' worth of research

Enraged student eagerly complies with entitled professor’s misguided instruction, wiping out three years' worth of research

It's a commonly overlooked reality that being kind is easier than being unpleasant. Besides, the impolite individual is the only one who will eventually suffer the consequences. The story that follows is from a displeased student. The original poster (OP) describes his encounter with a lecturer who exudes entitlement. As a student, OP gained expertise in handling a variety of personalities. But nothing had prepared him for the smug professor who was unwilling to give his students the time of da…
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reddit thread entitled people karma karmic instant-karma kids parents parent parenting bad-parenting parenting-fail

'Karma? YES!!': Litterbug mom watches her three kids dump trash everywhere on a roadtrip, but bad parenting gets met with instant karma

Trashy parents received a karmic surprise after getting caught in their complacency towards family-born litterbug habits.
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'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

Jojo Siwa, Chappell Road, and Taylor Swift sure have plenty to say about karma, but don't we all? The funny thing about karma is that you really can't predict when it's going to strike. For instance, how many times have we all witnessed someone driving recklessly on the road without any legitimate consequences for their actions? Because of this fact, we have to embrace when karma does come back around to haunt the entitled people of this world. So the next time you see a selfish driver avoiding…
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reddit landlord landlords tenant tenants renters renter renting deposit money sued karma karmic entitled court courtroom payback revenge

'[They thought] we were bluffing': Tenants sue ex-landlords for $2,700+ in damages when they unlawfully keep their deposit, resulting in satisfying courtroom karma

Never underestimate your opponent
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‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

A neighbor can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on the situation. Then, what would you do if your neighbor ‘demanded’ that you remove or replace your fence? Which would you do—give in or stand your ground? The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) has been living at his house for a while. Soon after moving in, OP and his next-door neighbor erected a fence between their two homes without consulting a surveyor. Living in a peaceful area bro…
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Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Never underestimate the impact of a diligent but disgruntled worker. Having said that, what would you do if, after working hard for a few hours, the person tasked with paying your bills came back and made a crude comment about how bad your job was and how you didn't even deserve the minimum wage? The following story tells the tale of a resentful painter. The original poster (OP) claims that he exacted revenge on a client in the 1990s who didn't appreciate his commitment to excellence or the ext…
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood petty revenge reddit property fence expensive payback karma feud instant-karma city snitch

Neighbors snitch on the guy next door for a petty infringement, he returns the favor 10x over: ‘KARMA’

We've all learned one critical thing from scouring the Internet for entertaining stories of petty revenge–Never start a feud with your neighbor.
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Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

It could be said that a large portion of one's life is consumed with the full range of unwanted inconveniences. These situations can vary from the minor to the major, from the temporary to the permanent, and from the eye-roll-inducing to the screaming-in-your-pillow reactions. For the sake of our collective amusement, we will be focusing on life's mildly infuriating moments today. You know, the kinds of situations that are intensely frustrating but not life-altering. In fact, at most, these mom…
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'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

Typically, parents want to give their kids everything they could possibly want—or, more precisely, everything they need to be successful and happy. But what if your parents kept a record of every single expense they ever incurred on your behalf? Do you have to pay them back, or are they supposed to shoulder the cost of your upbringing? The account that follows is the story of an astonished girl. On her eighteenth birthday, the Original Poster (OP) received a lengthy and detailed document detail…
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