in the workplace

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"Oblivious" lawyers refuse to let bookkeeper make simple phone call that would save the firm $125k

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'[I] stormed out of the office': Worker told that they won't be getting their annual raise despite overachieving performance

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'I never offered any solutions to that company again': Egotistical boss overrules software developer's plan with their own, leading to their quiet quitting

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'My 100% WFH job turned into a 100% office job': Worker hired in remote role finds themself forced to come into an office

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'I won't be in today and I won't be back': Restaurant worker quits 20 mins after the start of their shift with explosive text message to boss

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'[I] and the entire waiting staff walked out': 20+ Workers share stories of quitting their job mid shift

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'Made to apply for a position I've already been doing for five years...': Floundering employer forces workers to reapply for their own roles

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'You guys wasted my time': Candidate flies to another state for an interview, interviewer cancels at the last minute

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'Everyone had to reapply': 20+ Workers share the jobs they were glad to be fired from

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'The [department] racked up eight-figure losses': Logistics company forces out the only worker who manages overseas suppliers

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'Ever since then I’ve had this terrible feeling of disappointment and betrayal': Veteran worker finds out their new coworker, who they are senior to, is actually making more than them

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'I don't even get a chair': Restaurant manager won't let hostess sit following surgery

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'I followed the travel policy': Worker exploits company's travel policy loophole to book more expensive tickets and fly first class

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'He couldn't run that shift without me': Worker quits and toxic boss can't handle the pressure, gets fired

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'Because she had a college degree': Coworker demands worker clean up after her despite them being at the same level

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'He can't really do anything about it': Boss gets rid of work group's car to save money, they use his instead