
in the workplace

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24070917

'Stop acting like you're important!': Performance collapses when boss tells worker to do their own job instead of the extra work they had been doing

Being told to just do your job is kind of fair; it is your job, after all, and the reality of the world is that at some point, it's going to be necessary for you to step in line and let someone else call the shots. Still, is it really fair to “just do your job” when it's not really your job in the first place, and someone else has decided that your job is to do their job too? There's a reason why your boss is paid more to go along with the responsibility that has been handed to them, and handin…
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workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24192773

'Ok, then I quit': Employee quits when HR tries to make them work weekends after learning they have a side hustle

It's incredible when your employer thinks they own your entire life just because they're paying you for a small amount of your time. For some reason, they seem to think that giving your time to other interests somehow takes away from your contributions to your work. Almost as if they feel threatened that you have a life outside your career. This probably stems from the fact that their work is probably their entire life, and they probably can't stand being home with their spouse and kids. As a r…
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'Have fun': Boss lives to regret not accommodating injured worker before busiest day of the year

'Have fun': Boss lives to regret not accommodating injured worker before busiest day of the year

Being injured stinks... and that's something that doesn't even need to be said. There's nothing like being injured to make you appreciate all those times you weren't before. And that's just in your personal life… Chances are your employer isn't going to be particularly understanding, even if you have all your bases covered and have whatever doctor's note your employer requires and covered; legal protections are provided in your area. Yeah, depending on the duration and severity of the accommoda…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 24192261

Recruiter sends applicant passive aggressive response: 'Actually read the job description'

Applying to endless jobs is demoralizing, especially when you take the time to write custom cover letters only to never even receive a rejection notice from hiring managers. Still, anything is better than receiving a response like the one this applicant received after submitting their CV to a position opening.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work ridiculous work stories corporate erin human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment in the workplace - 24174085

'You’re manifesting my business's failure': Dispiteous boss accuses employee of "manifesting failure" of her business

Get your Tarot cards out and crystals ready cause we're out here trying to manifest the failure of every terrible boss we've ever had. Try or not, in a way, we're all manifesting something… I “manifested” two tacos and a side of sweet, sweet guacamole not thirty minutes ago. But, what I've recently consumed isn't really the point here, we're more concerned about accusations of the manifestation of a businesses failure being thrown around like the Salem witch trials.
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quitting a bad job workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job work i quit petty revenge workplace employment in the workplace - 24126469

'Save a penny, lose a couple grand': Boss docks worker's pay because of dirty floors, worker walks out leaving store unattended on the busiest day of the year:

Working for a terrible boss—well, it really “sucks”… especially when they think they can dock your pay because of their own faulty vacuum. Dealing with authority figures as a teen is tough; on the one hand, they often regard you as being far more immature, dumber, and irresponsible than you actually are, and adults tend to forget how claustrophobic that constant correction and lack of agency can feel. On the other hand, there are times when that authority figure definitely had a point, and it w…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24126725

Worker quits their job by walking out without saying anything: 'I had zero intention of doing a two-week notice'

People don't quit their jobs—they quit their bosses… And there's no better way to get back at a terrible manager than to be the one pulling the string that unravels their entire working world—just as this worker did to their terrible boss.
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workplace discussion employment issues sick leave antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24101893

Boss 'quiet fires' worker by removing their name from the schedule after they miss work for illness: 'No excuse not to come in'

Nothing sows the seeds of distrust from your manager like calling out sick for work; no matter what evidence you have of your illness or incapacity, they're always going to have some degree of doubt —even if they've seen the evidence with their own two eyes.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job retail work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 24072197

Worker steals manager's chair after coworker is fired for sitting: 'I shipped their office chair away'

For some inexplicable reason, basic comforts are considered to stand in opposition to efficiency—if you're uncomfortable, you'll work harder being the deeply flawed logic at play. If there's a comfort that can be denied… you bet it will be, all in the name of bigger bonuses for the executives and higher returns for shareholders. There seems to be a societal impression that customers will think someone who is comfortable won't offer good service, which is a complete farce. One can't help but won…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 2315271

'I’m returning the favor': Employer gaslights remote worker into working from the office, worker quits

It's not uncommon in the workplace to be told not to worry about something only to later be asked why you weren't worried about it—or to have that thing that you were told not to worry about coming back to haunt you or completely blow up in the company's face.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24080645

Workers maliciously comply by racking up milage when boss schedules unpaid weekend meeting to cut costs: '45 employees drove their own vehicles to the training'

Managers love things like mandatory training sessions just as much as they hate excuses about why you haven't gotten your work done… Even if you haven't gotten your work done because of all the mandatory training sessions and useless meetings they've scheduled for you.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job snow day snow work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24028165

Manager tries to gaslight worker that there's no snow at their house when they call out of work: 'There is no snow on the ground'

Remember that scene from The Matrix where that kid with the spoon is all like, “There is no spoon,” when there's clearly a spoon right there in front of Neo's face? Yeah—well, it turns out that kid is now managing a team, except now, instead of “There is no spoon,” it's “There is no snow.” as if they somehow know more about the situation than what their subordinates are currently witnessing outside of their own window.
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HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

Walking the walk of your own talk is important as a leader as it shows that you're willing to stand by the words that are coming out of your own mouth. It also helps your subordinates realize that there's no hypocrisy at play and that the rules and requirements you're enforcing apply to everyone equally.
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs employee fired job malicious compliance revenge work employer workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace customer service server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry chef - 23990533

Restaurant fires apprentice chef who owns all their recipes, cripples their kitchen: 'The manager clearly began to panic'

Even if your work, knowledge, and contributions make you irreplaceable in your organization, your employer is never going to admit it. For one thing, they probably aren't even going to be aware of it until long after you're gone. They probably think that there are dozens of people out there who can do exactly what you do. For another, if they did admit how valuable you were, they know that you'd likely want to be paid fairly for that fact—and that's just never going to happen. No, it's better t…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23957253

Manager gets demoted in their own store so that another manager can take over after their branch went out of business: 'I got demoted'

One of the most horrible realities that slowly dawns on you as you settle into your working life is that political standing and social status have far more bearing on your career than aptitude, skills, or results ever will.
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Customer sets manager straight for being impolite to his staff: 'I hope he was momentarily embarrassed'

Customer sets manager straight for being impolite to his staff: 'I hope he was momentarily embarrassed'

They say the customer is always right, even though that's usually not the case; this time, however, the customer was very right indeed when they put a manager in their place who was being impolite to their staff in front of the customers.
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