

Fails, unfortunate and wtf moments that are bad.

Unfortunate Moments That Threw Folks for A Loop

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Pictures that look amazing, confusing and too cool to be real.

Eye-Defying Pictures That Seem Too Unrealistic To Not Be Photoshopped (79 Images)

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People on Twitter share inaccurate stock photos of what their jobs look like.

Bad Stock Photos of People's Jobs are Terrifically Inaccurate

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Inaccurate and bad stock photos of people's jobs.

Stock Photos of People's Jobs Are Wonderfully Incorrect

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Pictures of unfortunate mishaps that derailed people's lives.

Unfortunate Moments That Gave People A Bad Time

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A collection of photoshop battle winners and the cool images that resulted from the photoshop battles.

Some Of The Greatest Photoshop Battles Of All Time

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Photos of confusing perspective.

Images of Skewed Perspective Worthy of a Double-Take

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Images of real life optical illusions that are confusing to the eye, cause double takes.

Eye-Defying Photos of Weird Perspective

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Attempts that turned into fails

25 Decent Attempts That Took a Left Turn Into Failure

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instances of moderate luck, baseball player dodging water, lucky food

15 Fun Times People Got Moderately Lucky

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Images of confusing perspective that result in optical illusions.

27 Double-Take-Worthy Images of Strange Perspective

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Mildly uncomfortable images of imperfect objects

Slightly Uncomfortable Pictures That Spit On Perfectionism (50 Images)

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facepalm after facepalm in the dumbest things people have attempted to pull off online

23 Various Attempts That Metaphorically Faceplanted

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cursed images such as a melted teletubby doll

18 Scary Cursed Images That are Just Weird and Awful

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Weird Perspective Optical Illusions

27 Images of Weird Perspective that Produced Real-Life Optical Illusions

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kids throwing tantrums and laying on the ground for stupid reasons

34 Completely Stupid Reasons Kids Had Meltdowns

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