
AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

true story, sad but true, traumarama, trauma, traumatic, story, storytime, tiktok, funny story, humiliation, humiliating, public freakout, embarrassing, embarrassed, embarrassing story

Traumarama: Embarrassed Woman Shares a Very Messy Story From the Colonoscopy Recovery Room

20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week (March 8, 2023)

20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week (March 8, 2023)

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Sure, I'll subscribe. My phone's battery is very low, can you call me back on my work number? ' : Man outwits spam callers, they end up donating to charity

'Sure, I'll subscribe. My phone's battery is very low, can you call me back on my work number? ' : Man outwits spam callers, they end up donating to charity

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

'She told me she was a widow' : Woman cheats for free drinks and a meal, date finds out and notifies her husband, leading to messy divorce

'She told me she was a widow' : Woman cheats for free drinks and a meal, date finds out and notifies her husband, leading to messy divorce

Best Blunt Unpopular Opinions of the Week for the Controversially Brave Crowd

Best Blunt Unpopular Opinions of the Week for the Controversially Brave Crowd

‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied a $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'Did You Block Me?' : 20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

'Did You Block Me?' : 20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd