human resources

work-story workplace-stories fired hr manager new-boss malicious compliance coworkers human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses - 19482629

'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million

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'Was I overreacting?': Worker takes a stand after finding themselves unexpectedly in a working interview

No, you don't understand. I REALLY wouldn't do that, if I were you....

'Jackie was in some serious, serious s***': Suspended employee refuses to take steward's advice, gets herself fired

'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

Karen complains to HR about my body, I Uno Reverse her complaint, everyone hates her

Nosy Karen coworker files ridiculous HR complaint, woman gets perfectly petty revenge on her

Not allowed to use the guest restroom? Alright then.

Resort Worker Is Denied Access to the Guest Bathroom, Gets Revenge By Intentionally Clogging HR's Toilet

I altered my uniform to comply with the dress code in my employee handbook.

'I altered my uniform to comply': Worker takes advantage of stupid belt loop-hole loophole

Wife accidentally CC’d on email of her upcoming termination

HR Discusses Employee's Upcoming Termination with Business Owner, Accidentally CC's the Employee

Maternity wear | This happened several years ago.  After onboarding a new job, I was told I could hire an assistant. The HR director, Kelly, handed me a stack of resumes, told me about a friend's daughter, and bumped "Kat" to the top of my interview list. Kat passed the tech test with high scores and interviewed well so, I hired her.

HR busybody demands pregnant assistant is reprimanded for maternity clothing... because the assistant's mother (HR's friend) doesn't approve of her boyfriend

HR is NOT your friend

'HR is NOT your friend': Fresh out of college employee confides in HR and ends up getting fired

Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

antiwork hr toxic-workplace toxic human resources workplace Horrible Bosses - 17873157

Update: HR Department Adds Confidentiality Clause to Micromanaging Rules Following Viral Thread

AITA for reporting my supervisor to HR for calling my daughter stupid?

Woman Reports Boss to HR For Mocking Her Daughter's Speech Development

Email I sent when they wanted me to send in weird recordings as a first step in the interview process. Hard pass.

'I won't be pursuing this position': This candidate refused to make impersonal video recordings for his interview

Viral Tik Tok and Instagram video about what returning to work for "office culture" actually looks like.

When They Say We're Returning To The Office For The Culture, What Does That Actually Mean?

toxic-workplace coworkers human resources workplace coworker annoying coworkers annoying people aita reddit thread Reddit - 17660677

Clingy Coworker Reports Unwitting Mentor to HR For Standing Her Ground