human resources

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'My coworker got suspended because of me': Employee calls out coworker for behavior toward cleaning lady, HR steps in

workplace-stories malicious compliance work human resources workplace reddit thread Reddit karen - 20290821

'Two petty victories over Finance Karen': Employee finds loophole in company's travel reimbursement policy, goes over HR's head to get approved

The startup I worked at laid me off and is refusing to send me my final paycheck unless I sign an NDA. I'm pretty fed up that they haven't paid me in nearly three weeks, so I forwarded the emails to every company stakeholder.

'I would like to be paid immediately': CEO tries to withhold former employee's final paycheck until they sign an NDA

workplace-stories work stories work human resources reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20227845

'More money': Employee gives honest feedback to HR for mandatory work survey

Asked my HR rep why new hires were getting paid more than people who have been there for years. I don't know what I expected...

'I hope this addresses your concern': Employee asks HR why new employees are getting paid more, gets ridiculous response

my coworker has the system beat and they can't do anything to fire him

'He seriously is only seen at breaks and lunch': Coworker spends every work day in the bathroom and HR can't do anything about it

OOP gets a situation escalated straight to the head of HR without asking

Update: 'Let's escalate directly to the head of HR': Boss defends tech worker from absurd policy violation

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'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

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Employer demands employee's son's birth certificate despite them not taking paternity leave

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Update: '[I] am completely confounded': Worker claims they're unable to use Microsoft Windows OS due to their religion

work-story workplace-stories hr revenge work petty revenge human resources workplace - 19466245

HR Makes Salaried Employees Fill Out Time Cards, Costs Them Big

employees workplace employment work-story workplace-stories employee hr malicious compliance revenge petty revenge human resources story - 19629573

Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

work-story antiwork workplace-stories hr i quit human resources workplace story Reddit employment - 19644165

'Ok, then I quit.': HR tries to make employee work weekends after learning they work a side hustle, they quit

Offered a job to a dead person today

'You will not be hearing back from her': HR has major hiring fail after offering job to candidate who is no longer alive

A company I interviewed for and didn't get to job, is now asking for my help

'The sheer audacity': Company rejects interview candidate, then reaches out for unpaid help months later

HR-fail antiwork hr Toxic-HR human-resources-fail dumb blonde dumb-boss human resources bad-HR-Lady bad-HR Reddit toxic-work-environment boomer gen x - 19463173

‘Coworker keeps calling me a DUMB BLONDE’: 60-Year-Old Boomer HR Lady Keeps Harassing Employee, Boss Just Says She’s "Set In Her Ways"