human resources

'Boss doesn't like my new email address': Newly-fired remote worker creates petty email address to taunt ex-boss

'Boss doesn't like my new email address': Newly-fired remote worker creates petty email address to taunt ex-boss

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'I work better in a slow-paced environment': 25+ Job candidates who flubbed their interviews

Boss Guilts Employee Right Before His Paternity Leave: 'I can’t tell you not to take it but that’s a long time without you'

Boss Guilts Employee Right Before His Paternity Leave: 'I can’t tell you not to take it but that’s a long time without you'

20 Interview Flops Where Hiring Managers Figured Out Candidates Were Lying: 'They literally started crying when we brought out a laptop for the skills test'

20 Interview Flops Where Hiring Managers Figured Out Candidates Were Lying: 'They literally started crying when we brought out a laptop for the skills test'

workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24192773

'Ok, then I quit': Employee quits when HR tries to make them work weekends after learning they have a side hustle

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work ridiculous work stories corporate erin human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment in the workplace - 24174085

'You’re manifesting my business's failure': Dispiteous boss accuses employee of "manifesting failure" of her business

'15 other people saw it': Karen sends unkind message about coworker to entire department by accident, coworker reports her to HR

'15 other people saw it': Karen sends unkind message about coworker to entire department by accident, coworker reports her to HR

'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

'It's about control': Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home one day

'It's about control': Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home one day

It took them about 3 seconds to realize': Worker commutes 6 hours each day, client complains about his repeated lateness

'It took them about 3 seconds to realize': Worker commutes 6 hours each day, client complains about his repeated lateness

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'Someone at work [felt] targeted': HR gets involved when joke about office 'White Elephant' exchange goes wrong

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape

'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape, cue employee's malicious compliance

'Did my employee rage-quit, or did I fire her?': Manager joins HR to figure out what to do about twice-fired employee

'Did my employee rage-quit, or did I fire her?': Manager joins HR to figure out what to do about twice-fired employee

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'I parked in their space... somebody else got jealous and tattled to HR': IT worker conspires with their boss to snag a good parking spot through malicious compliance