
‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did' Company crumbles due to drop in production following boss's orders for employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, despite being short-staffed

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did': Boss orders employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, company crumbles due to drop in production

A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'

"I knew it was a 'You're fired' meeting...": Employee plays long game of revenge on boss via malicious compliance, leads to gross misconduct, HR gets involved, boss gets demoted

"I knew it was a 'You're fired' meeting...": Employee plays long game of revenge on boss via malicious compliance, leads to gross misconduct, HR gets involved, boss gets demoted

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

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'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

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Employer demands employee's son's birth certificate despite them not taking paternity leave

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Best Corporate Memes for Office Plebs Who Can't Stand Another Day in Their Cubicle

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Update: '[I] am completely confounded': Worker claims they're unable to use Microsoft Windows OS due to their religion

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HR Makes Salaried Employees Fill Out Time Cards, Costs Them Big

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Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

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'Ok, then I quit.': HR tries to make employee work weekends after learning they work a side hustle, they quit

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

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‘Coworker keeps calling me a DUMB BLONDE’: 60-Year-Old Boomer HR Lady Keeps Harassing Employee, Boss Just Says She’s "Set In Her Ways"

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'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million