
'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs hr toxic-workplace job human resources workplace job interview interview employment - 2004743

'Was I overreacting?': Worker takes a stand after finding themselves unexpectedly in a working interview

Salaried (exempt) employees have to punch a time card now? Ok. It would sure be a shame if someone notified the labor board about your illegal PTO practices, though

'I approached HR. They looked at me like I had two heads': Employee ignored by HR, so they contact the labor board instead

'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

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'Don't get fired': Funniest Office Memes for Coworkers That Get a Little Too Lit at the Company Christmas Party

I altered my uniform to comply with the dress code in my employee handbook.

'I altered my uniform to comply': Worker takes advantage of stupid belt loop-hole loophole

Maternity wear | This happened several years ago.  After onboarding a new job, I was told I could hire an assistant. The HR director, Kelly, handed me a stack of resumes, told me about a friend's daughter, and bumped "Kat" to the top of my interview list. Kat passed the tech test with high scores and interviewed well so, I hired her.

HR busybody demands pregnant assistant is reprimanded for maternity clothing... because the assistant's mother (HR's friend) doesn't approve of her boyfriend

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

antiwork hr toxic-workplace toxic human resources workplace Horrible Bosses - 17873157

Update: HR Department Adds Confidentiality Clause to Micromanaging Rules Following Viral Thread

antiwork toxic-workplace workplace boss hr coworkers work reform coworker reddit thread Reddit - 17824773

'Bathroom breaks are now limited to 10 minutes MAXIMUM': Employees fuming after micromanager posts tyrannical list of new site rules

Lovely conversation I overheard regarding layoffs and terrible HR people

'She was absolutely giddy about it': Sadistic HR person from Hell gossips about upcoming layoffs

HR Professional Sparks Conversation on Whether Not Getting the Job or Being Ghosted Is Worse During the Interview Process

HR Professional Sparks Conversation on Whether Not Getting the Job or Being Ghosted Is Worse During the Interview Process

hr malicious compliance workplace karen - 17237765

HR Karen Rewrites Dress Code, Hairy Dude Maliciously Complies