
tales-from-the-front-desk guests hotel customers karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit karen - 19752709

'I don't tolerate liars': Local Karen and Kevin denied a room at hotel, front desk worker stands ground

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'I was that lady who checked you in last time. And I did not say that': Entitled hotel guest tries to cheat his way to a cheaper rate, gets caught in a lie

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'I'll stuff you in that washing machine': Crazy hotel Karen throws tantrum at front desk employee at 1 AM, chases her into the laundry room

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

Make my co-workers cry I will help karma turn your life upside down.

'He was... gaming the system': Sneaky guest acts like a 'major jerk' until quick-thinking hotel employee gets pro revenge on him

That's a hard no. And again, still no. Yeah, no. Not giving you this one, either. I'll let you leave, though.

'I want something classy that isn't embarrassing to be seen at': Cranky hotel guest throws a fit over a campfire, swiftly regrets it

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'Why you living like this bro?': Trashy budget chef makes crazy elaborate recipes using nothing but motel bathroom supplies

'You weren't willing to pay the extra £40... Do you remember now?' Hotel clerk gets satisfying revenge against entitled guest by telling on him

'You weren't willing to pay the extra £40... Do you remember now?' Hotel clerk gets satisfying revenge against entitled guest by telling on him

'She said they went down [to the pool] an hour ago, but couldn't get in': Entitled mom and kids demand to swim for literally mere seconds, just before pool closes

'She said they went down [to the pool] an hour ago, but couldn't get in': Entitled mom and kids demand to swim for literally mere seconds, just before pool closes

'You will give me a room!': Customer faces off with hotel clerk facing technical issues

'You will give me a room!': Demanding customer faces off with a frustrated hotel clerk facing technical issues

Not allowed to use the guest restroom? Alright then.

Resort Worker Is Denied Access to the Guest Bathroom, Gets Revenge By Intentionally Clogging HR's Toilet

I've been lying to my wife

'My sweet, beautiful family doesn't suspect a thing': Lying husband sneaks to hotel room to binge eat peanuts

‘I Am Not a Little Girl’ : Concierge Determined to Exact Revenge on Entitled Hotel Guest, He Gets What He Deserves

‘I Am Not a Little Girl’ : Concierge Determined to Exact Revenge on Entitled Hotel Guest, He Gets What He Deserves

Airbnb host leaves us a sh**** review for not cleaning before we left. We paid $3600 to stay for a week.

'I really just want to see the entire concept of AirBnbs in flames': Shady Airbnb host overcharges and leaves nasty review of guests

You want me away from guests at all times so they don’t see me doing normal things? No problem!

'I was told it looks unprofessional': Front desk employee at hotel not allowed to use same bathroom as guests, cue malicious compliance

Young Karen got me fired!

Young Karen in the Making Gets Her Boss Fired Because She’s Friends With the Hotel Owner’s Daughter