
hotel room

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

Imagine you are sitting in an uncomfortable, old desk chair that needed to be replaced about 10 years ago, and instead of staring at the empty hotel lobby in front of you, you opt instead to play some Solitaire on your as equally old computer. You are just about stumped when your game is interrupted by a Karen who is on her way to interrupt your peace. She enters the lobby with a dramatic air about her, shouting words that you can't quite make out yet until she gets a bit closer. Anddddd, you h…
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‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

Working in the customer service industry, you've got to be tough as nails, as you will be constantly and consistently tested without fail. Every day you'll need more and more patience as Karen customers become less daunting, and more of a nuisance. OP was working as a front desk clerk at a hotel that was holding a very expensive, corporate event, resulting in most of the rooms being taken by said event. The last ten or so rooms were reserved by construction workers who had a contract with the h…
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'It gets ugly behind the scenes': Top Flops Hotel Management Keeps Under Wraps

'It gets ugly behind the scenes': Top Flops Hotel Management Keeps Under Wraps

With its luxurious amenities, discerning clientele, and high expectations, managing a hotel can be a demanding endeavor, and oftentimes guests have no idea what really goes on behind the scenes. From unforeseen mishaps to logistical nightmares, there is no limit to the things that can go wrong in the realm of hotel management. We're talking maintenance, issues with staff, bigger issues with guests, weather conditions, or technology failures… there is not really a handbook that would cover it al…
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‘I will get you fired’: Karen customer attempts to get front desk clerk fired after being denied service, front desk clerk refuses to call manager

‘I will get you fired’: Karen customer attempts to get front desk clerk fired after being denied service, front desk clerk refuses to call manager

Dodging Karens while working in the hospitality industry is an unattainable dream for optimists. After working with a wide variety of guests and their entitled attitudes, the word optimist disappears from your dictionary. In this case, OP was working the front desk at a hotel, enjoying her night when an unreasonable potential guest entered the lobby. The man, who we will dub Karen, asked OP for a room that night, and was told by OP that they would need to put a refundable $100 deposit on his ca…
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hospitality-industry hotel hotel-booking check-in front-desk-clerk hotel-room guests hotel-guest hotel-manager front-desk-manager tales-from-the-front-desk-reddit karens karen-customer Reddit

‘You can’t stay here': Karen demands refund for hotel room she never booked, front desk clerk refuses, Karen changes her game plan

Working in the hospitality industry is painfully awkward at times, and oftentimes leaves you with a bitter aftertaste, pining for a vacation that would preferably last over a year. Karens are commonplace, and make your job much harder than it needs to be. In this case, a Karen approached OP when they were working Night Audit at a busy hotel, demanding to be checked in immediately, rolling her eyes at OP in the process. OP knew right away that something was off, and asked for Karen's full name a…
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