horrible bosses

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Update: 'I would like to apologize': Elon Musk forced to apologize after publicly shaming disabled developer who was questioning their employment status

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'Narcissistic bosses are the worst': Employee told she's disposable despite doing all her boss's work, she quits and company suffers

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'I'll kick you out': Worker experiences backlash from immature boss after handing in their notice

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

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'CEBro went nuclear': Employee takes DNA test, turns out their CEO is their half-brother, CEO tries to get them fired

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'Fired or accept a massive pay cut': New owner fabricates allegations to fire top employee, he sues and watches the company dissolve

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'I will be leaving in order to pursue happiness': Employee prints form resignation letter and makes savage hand-written adjustments

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'It's unfair': Worker forced to take a stand with boss after doing all of her lazy coworker's work

Boss man sent this to the mailing list as our city was preparing for winter storm Xylia. We aren't a Waffle House

'Yes, there is a storm coming. No, we will not be closing': Hypocrite boss forces employees to come to work during severe winter storm

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'I finally told my manager that I will NOT be working on anything outside my scope of responsibilities': People share how to stand up for yourself at work

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'You're not supposed to have these': Retail employee asked to do manager's work, gets shamed by his boss's boss, malicious compliance ensues!

Manager asked me to give up a promotion to save their job

'Your manager's job [...] is not your problem': Manager's job is at risk, asks employee to give up their promotion

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'You need to stay until 1 a.m.': Exhausted fast food employee working 11 hours shames toxic manager and stands up for himself in front of all his coworkers, manager gives him the “silent treatment”

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'A complete garbage person': Boss fires worker for stupid reason, worker ruins their marriage by revealing their affair with a coworker

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'I am quitting [...] effective immediately': Worker quits without notice after watching their coworkers being fired without notice.

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'It's my business now': Incompetent new owner tanks business by meddling with crucial employee, leaves and takes clients with them