horrible bosses

terrible coworkers antiwork in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace work coworkers i quit quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260613

'My boss cancelled my interview': Worker quits when boss interferes with their internal promotion interview

Was told I had an 8 1/2 hour shift and not to leave early, so I started working for only 8 1/2 hours.

'[Boss] got demoted': Boss demands worker stick to scheduled hours, results in obvious outcome

management boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story manager malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses terrible-management - 20248581

'I am in dress code': Boss shortsightedly bans shorts but not kilts

work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment - 20157957

'Go ahead, fire me'': Worker quits after boss denies their leave request

Stiff me on overtime? Queue the long, expensive, revenge. | This happened in the early 2000s when I joined a start-up. We agreed on a salary and no paid over-time and an evaluation in 3 months and then annually. Standard stuff mostly.

'The total demand was something like $135k': Employer cheats guy on overtime, guy plays the long con to get it all back, plus interest

boss work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20196613

'[My boss] knew very little about this report': Manager takes credit for subordinate's work, backfires when she can't answer questions about it


'Be a team player': Boss calls employee replaceable and demands they come in on their day off, backpedals when they quit

Yeah, no. | Worker quits after boss lies and says they didn't approve their leave

'Also, I quit': Boss pretends they didn't approve worker's leave and demands they come in, worker quits in viral post

boss work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20215045

Update: 'I took the advice': Worker quits at internet's urging after boss demands their personally upgraded plane seat

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Cheap boss takes advantage of overworked employee, dangling a raise over her head and going back on his promises

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Boss goes back on promise to employee by dangling a raise over their head

NO paid over time ? No worries |  Come payday my friend asks the boss where's the overtime pay. He gets the reply " we don't pay overtime anymore."  My friend replies" sure but remember I don't work for free"  The next day it comes knock off time and my friend is about an hour from the milk plant with a full load of milk.

'You can't do that': Company says no overtime, tanker driver threatens to abandon full load on side of road

pro revenge revenge workplace Horrible Bosses - 17345029

Wrongly Fired Worker Takes Entire International Division Down With Him

manager Horrible Bosses - 17091333

Supervisor Told By Micromanaging Manager to Check Clock-Ins More Closely, Employees End Up With Massive Payout

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20170245

'Quit my job suddenly via email': Employee leaves without notice, boss insists on having face to face conversation, internet reacts

Lost all my PTO. I will never give notice again.

'I will never give notice again': Company revokes all worker's earned PTO after they give notice

antiwork workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses story greatest hits employment - 20179717

'Ex-boss texted me a few days [later]': Boss begs employee to cover shifts after firing them