
HOA intervenes in fight over limited parking space, enforces new rule to get back at frustrating resident: 'Now [he] has to park his car far from his front door for at least 1 year'

HOA intervenes in fight over limited parking space, enforces new rule to get back at frustrating resident: 'Now [he] has to park his car far from his front door for at least 1 year'

'Our HOA got sued for having a homeowner remove their wheelchair ramp': Top HOA Stories of the Week (April 17, 2024)

'Our HOA got sued for having a homeowner remove their wheelchair ramp': Top HOA Stories of the Week (April 17, 2024)

'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

'I got fined for having a Halloween pumpkin on my patio on November 1st': 20+ HOAs who had strict rules and steep fines

'I got fined for having a Halloween pumpkin on my patio on November 1st': 20+ HOAs who had super strict rules and steep fines

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 24928005

Karen calls cops on dude's leaky tire, he exposes her dirty fountain: 'She didn't even live on my [...] street'

pro revenge hoa neighbors farmer neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors farmers Bad Neighbor neighbor - 25223173

New neighbor sues over encroaching fence, farmer puts a pig pen right next to their "shiny new" home: 'My eyes would start watering it smelled so bad'

First-time homebuyer and single mom shares foreboding story about purchasing on one-income: ‘I do not regret buying… [But] please think about worst-case scenario’

First-time homebuyer and single mom shares foreboding story about purchasing on one-income: ‘I do not regret buying… [But] please think about worst-case scenario’

'He was entering that entire subdivision... as "Do Not Deliver"': HOA tips so badly on pizza order that manager calls them to complain

'He was entering that entire subdivision... as "Do Not Deliver"': HOA tips so badly on pizza order that manager calls them to complain

'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

 landlord homeowner homeowner-memes property memes relatable land buy ownership owning renter renting relatable diy projects fixer-upper fix-it tools relatable-memes meme

31 DIY Memes for Grateful Homeowners Questioning Their Fixer-Upper

HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'

hoa neighbors malicious compliance neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor malicious compliance reddit neighbor - 24765957

'Mind [your] own business': Neighbor refuses to heed warning about getting the proper permits, pays dearly for his arrogance