

hoa neighbors trash malicious compliance neighborhood reddit thread trash can Reddit - 19939589

'HOAs are a scourge to society': HOA enforces ridiculous trash rule, neighborhood bands together for some trashy compliance

The members of this HOA must have gotten bored and, well, power-hungry when they were coming up with this rule.
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hoa neighbors Legal Woes marriage neighborhood ex neighborhood-drama marriage-drama cheater Bad Neighbor home owner - 19949317

'What the HOA did was blatant fraud': Ex-wife vindictively signs dude's house up to neighborhood HOA, he sues them both

Homeowner associations are notorious for their tyrannical enforcement of bizarre policies that were drafted by a collection of the worst sort of neighbors who have nothing better to do but worry about what other people are doing. This story was initially posted by u/SpurredOneLastTime (OP) to the r/entitledpeople subreddit and then crossposted by a fascinated reader to the r/f***HOA subreddit community. The OP tells the tale of his ex-wife's final act of retribution that saw him embroiled in le…
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karens hoa pizza home owners association pizza delivery karen-customer food delivery hoa-karen karens in the wild story service-industry-stories delivery karen - 19902725

HOA Karen gets entire neighborhood banned from pizza place by giving terrible tip

Usually, bad tippers get off scot-free and—well, completely free. But this HOA Karen managed to get her entire neighborhood banned from a pizza place simply because of the sheer atrocity that was her tip. This brilliant story was shared to Reddit's aptly named r/r/f**kHOA subreddit, a community where stories are shared with a theme that you can probably surmise. Occasionally stories from this subreddit will trend onto Reddit's r/all front page, as this one did when it was originally posted. The…
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AITA for owning 3 dogs, against my hoas 2 dog rule?

'Did the HOA find your dog?': Dog owner defends her plan to hide three pups from neighbors and HOA

After moving to a new neighborhood, this person found a sneaky and pretty genius way to get around a HOA rule. U/ohohbo posted their idea to r/AmItheA**hole to get some opinions on her feud with neighbors . As she tells it, she had to move to a new neighborhood for work and to care for her parents. The sudden change meant that her three dogs came along with her. But a problem arose – only two pups are allowed to live at the residence. The OP actually had a pretty good unethical life hack here,…
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ftheHOA hoa justice Justice-served petty revenge Horrible-HOA toxic-hoa karma - 19851525

'I realized the HOA rules they were constantly referring to did not exist… Suddenly the pres resigned' : Neighbor joins HOA board just to discover it's a fraud, exposes them

HOAs are loved or hated—there is no in between. That's because, you either live somewhere with an HOA who doesn't fine you for stupid things like your grass is a tad overgrown or your curtains are the wrong color and they use your HOA dues for things like a neighborhood block party and up-keeping the shared areas. However, many HOA boards, instead, get all entitled Karen boomer on their neighborhood and will literally fine you for something petty like talking too loudly in your own home. Recent…
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hoa malicious compliance petty revenge petty social media reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19840005

'She blushed a color I'd never seen before': Nosy HOA busybody keeps pestering lady about her social media profile, lady gives petty response

This is what you get for being nosy!
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hoa neighbors neighborhood entitled reddit thread Reddit parents entitled people - 19815685

'They were trying to scam us into paying': Entitled dude mows neighbor's lawn without permission then charges them for it

Dude, no one asked you to mow my lawn!
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pettyrevenge | "I placed 5 vehicles in my driveway." | My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law.

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

We'll leave it for you to judge who is in the wrong here, but there ain't no way we're siding with the HOA. Even still, parking cars in front of your neighbor's house and blocking the street in the process is pretty damn entitled behavior… So we're finding it pretty hard to side with the poster either. It's probably the mounting jet lag and utter lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble agreeing with anyone today. Harassing your neighbor with your car collection and making it, so the street is com…
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'Fine, I'll hire a goat instead' : HOA forbids man to hire a company for yardwork, cue malicious compliance, he ‘hires’ a goat for $20

'Fine, I'll hire a goat instead' : HOA forbids man to hire a company for yardwork, cue malicious compliance, he ‘hires’ a goat for $20

Housing communities frequently have what is called a ‘homeowner association', backed up by strict, often stupid bylaws. This man lived in a neighborhood where the HOA literally planted little flags in front of lawns to make sure everyone understood perfectly just how tall their grass was ‘allowed to get’. In other words, this HOA was the epitome of a densely rigid association. Now, this man hated to mow his lawn… and when I say hated, I mean to say he despised it.
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HOA neighbors insist homeowner remove buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

'HOA is demanding I move my plane': Snooping neighbors insist homeowner remove the sensible buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

Home Owner's Associations often delight in trying to get people to change their homes, but this HOA extended their reach even further. For this person, their HOA didn't just try to control their property, but even made a lake their jurisdiction! As the OP wrote to r/AmItheA******, they live in a lakefront cottage. The OP is also a pilot who owns a seaplane , which they can keep conveniently parked in the water in front of their home. In an effort to keep everyone safe around the plane, the OP c…
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karens hoa neighbors lawyer neighborhood reddit thread Reddit karen - 19664133

‘Try to stop us, if you think you can’: HOA accuses couple of violating bylaws, couple maliciously complies, drowning HOA in legal fees

What happens when an HOA Karen tries to enforce a rule without any real evidentiary support?
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How-to-get-rid-of-your-HOA hoa ending-your-HOA Justice-served Horrible-HOA megalomaniac toxic-hoa HOA-laws HOA-bylaws Reddit Dissolving-your-HOA - 19665413

'Come to order to discuss what? The HOA meeting is over because there is no more HOA—we just dissolved it': Megalomaniac HOA's longstanding power-drunk reign comes to an end when angry neighbors discover a loophole

If you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, then you know it comes with a big ‘ole governing book of laws and bylaws, etc. If you have a healthy HOA that actually helps your community and the neighbored is happy with them, then maybe you’ve never even had to glance at this book. Or maybe, like many people, you have a toxic HOA that's abusive of their leadership role and drunk on power . The kind of HOA that will ticket you for personal reason and hide it under the guise of an HOA infraction.…
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You get a tiki torch, you get a tiki torch. You all get tiki torches!!

Fired-up Karen calls fire department for nothing, so the entire neighborhood retaliates against her

Nosy neighbors always have too much time on their hands to start pointless feuds. In this case, Karen not only ignited a neighborhood fight , she also wasted valuable resources. This person shared their wild tale from a few years ago, when they first moved into a duplex. The trouble stared the day they moved in, when Karen began interrogating her new neighbor . Acting like she was the HOA, she told the OP that all fire pits and bonfires are banned from the street, then asked lots more invasive…
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HOA Tried To Tow My Legally Permitted Vehicle Twice in One Day!

'I sent a Cease and Desist letter to the HOA': Nurse seeks advice after car is repeatedly targeted

Parking permits: the bane of many people's existence, especially this unfortunate nurse.
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Tell the HOA my kid's too loud? Ok, deal with him some more.

'There's too much noise outside': Neighbor tells HOA that kids are being too loud, entitled mom gets petty revenge

Where have all the good neighbors gone?
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hoa land-owner homeowner neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama home-owners-association lawsuit Legal

Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

What are you to do when you purchase something only to have the terms of sale retroactively changed by a governing association? Oh, and that governing association is controlled by the organization that sold you the thing in the first place. Well, lawyer up and hit them with a strongly worded email letting them know just angry you are. After a three-year hiatus, this landowner returned to share the grippingly realistic tale of how they managed to defeat a land developer and HOA who had changed t…
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