
karens hoa neighbors lawyer neighborhood reddit thread Reddit karen - 19664133

‘Try to stop us, if you think you can’: HOA accuses couple of violating bylaws, couple maliciously complies, drowning HOA in legal fees

How-to-get-rid-of-your-HOA hoa ending-your-HOA Justice-served Horrible-HOA megalomaniac toxic-hoa HOA-laws HOA-bylaws Reddit Dissolving-your-HOA - 19665413

'Come to order to discuss what? The HOA meeting is over because there is no more HOA—we just dissolved it': Megalomaniac HOA's longstanding power-drunk reign comes to an end when angry neighbors discover a loophole

You get a tiki torch, you get a tiki torch. You all get tiki torches!!

Fired-up Karen calls fire department for nothing, so the entire neighborhood retaliates against her

HOA Tried To Tow My Legally Permitted Vehicle Twice in One Day!

'I sent a Cease and Desist letter to the HOA': Nurse seeks advice after car is repeatedly targeted

Tell the HOA my kid's too loud? Ok, deal with him some more.

'There's too much noise outside': Neighbor tells HOA that kids are being too loud, entitled mom gets petty revenge

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Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

'Then the ENTIRE board quit': A tale of pro-level HOA revenge spanning years

'Then the ENTIRE board quit': A tale of pro-level HOA revenge spanning years

Housing association wants me to pay my late aunties debt? No, pay me the money I overpaid instead.

'I don’t owe this money but in fact they owed me': HOA tries to trick tenant into paying aunt's debts, tenant fights back

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‘You Messed With the Wrong Neighbor’ : HOA Penalize Man With Unfair Fines, He Plays Ultimate Long Game in Revenge, Leads to Foreclosure on Vice President's Home for Unpaid Fines Amounting to $10,000

HOA Facebook group Karen probably thinks it’s everyone else but her who is wrong.

'Next time I won't hesitate to call': HOA Facebook Karen goes on unhinged rant about kid playing basketball in the cold

AITA I don’t want to split the rebate I receive from being on the Board of Director’s of my HOA with my wife

'This has caused some of our worst fighting': Greedy husband refuses to split $400 rebate from HOA with his wife

HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

Now YOU get to be HOA president! |So my dad, with a beatific grin, said he would be the HOA president of our single suburban street. He and the two neighbors drafted the bylaws of their own HOA in strict accordance with the planned neighborhood. But they added a special provision that the President of the HOA could name a successor

Weird HOA Monarchy Gets Passed Down By Succession, Ends Up in the Hands of Wild Karen

Antiwork post | "Just quit my job effective today by email." | Worker quits job after leave is not honored

'Just quit my job effective today by email': Employer denies new employee leave negotiated during interview process, new employee quits

ProRevenge story | "We would get a letter every now and then about how the bushes had to be torn out and replaced with [an] 'approved' shrubbery. After the second letter, they sent us a notice that we were being fined." | "We are the Karens who say... Ni"

HOA (and Knight of 'Ni') Karen Demands Exasperated Homeowner Fetch a Different Shrubbery, Costs HOA 'Potentially Millions'