

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Nobody messes with Jon Bone Jovi.
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halloween prank funny - 15307781

Woman Gives Roommate The Fright of Her Life With Horrifying Clown Decoration

Woman puts terrifying clown decoration in her roommates closet.
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halloween costumes halloween teenagers trick or treat relationships parenting - 15510021

Parent Tells Their Teen They Are Too Old to Trick or Treat, Gets Soundly Corrected on the Subject By the Internet

AITA for not letting 16y/o daughter Trick or Treat?
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spooky Halloween memes

A Pumpkinload Of Spooky Memes For The Halloween Season

A pumpkinload is a little more than 20.
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funny unlicensed halloween costumes

Funny Unlicensed Costumes To Make A So-So Impression This Halloween

"Come with me, and you'll see, a world of copyright evasion"
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halloween faith in humanity restored Video win - 107491585

Girl On Halloween Leaves Her Candy For Other Kids

Faith in humanity temporarily restored.
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People describe the worst ever experiences that they ended up having during Halloween.

People's Worst Experiences During Halloween

Tis the season to be spooky.
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impressive cool pumpkins halloween awesome ridiculous Video win - 107478017

1223 Pound Giant Pumpkin Timelapse

Mesmerizing stuff.
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An informative Tumblr post breaks down a series of important corn maze safety rules.

Spooky Tumblr Post On Dealing With Monstrous Corn Mazes

Spooktober is hitting its stride.
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A funny Tumblr post about how Halloween stores work in America.

Australian Tumblr User Can't Handle Americans And Their Halloween Stores

But they're so much fun.
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Roommate mistakes a dude for his ex during Halloween, and then hilarity ensues | r/tifu Join u/HalloweenHooligan 8h TIFU pretending be my roommate's ex M FYI: my roommate planning share this story his perspective but thought more entertaining coming This happened just over 2 weeks ago on Halloween night. Even though my roommate and didn't go anywhere on Halloween still dressed up anyway. My roommate's costume basically just an apron, boxers and socks. Not very imaginative know my roommate

Roommate Mistakes Guy For His Ex, Hilarity Ensues

The sobering realization must've been crippling.
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heartwarming halloween trick or treat moment girl in costume puts her own candy in a bowl

Girl On Halloween Leaves Her Own Candy For Other Kids

Kid's clearly destined for great things.
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Truck drivers share some of their creepiest experiences from time out on the road | I had driven maybe 30 miles out into the farm land when hail started bouncing off my truck, being a MS native I knew in July hail meant tornado. I pull off to the side (I'm in the middle of no where no lights to be seen no cars behind or infront of me) and start looking for the storm/ tornado I believe is approaching. I rolled the passenger window down and shined a bright flashlight off into the night. Nothing

Truck Drivers' Spookiest Experiences

Best to read with the lights on.
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Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

A definite bold move.
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weatherman wears funny unicorn costume for Halloween during weather forecast

Man's Unicorn Costume Sends Co-Worker Into Tears

Really, an awesome costume.
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People describe their funniest and most unexpected Halloween traditions. | jason foote @jasonfoote4 000 fog machine on door step is converted into Lysol spray cloud #NewHalloweenTraditions

People's Funniest Halloween Traditions

Spooky season is well underway.
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