

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Dealing with kids is one obstacle, but dealing with their parents is almost always more challenging. Teachers can attest to this, and parents themselves are likely to agree. This dynamic becomes particularly transparent during gatherings and events, and Halloween is no exception. Here, we have a neighbor who was, for better or for worse, known by everyone to be a good baker. News travels fast in the suburbs, so it did not take long for the entitled Karen Mom who just moved to the neighborhood t…
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20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

It's spooky season and if you're like many of us, you probably are already panicking about your Halloween costume. Perhaps you were planning on sitting this one out, and then your friend invited you to a costume party that you can't get out of no matter how hard you try. Perhaps you've tried brainstorming what you could be this year, but everything seems far too complicated and expensive. At the same time, building something from scratch seems excessive and time-consuming. Who has the emotional…
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 orange hoa house halloween home owners association paint painting home

'Their house was the wrong color': HOA forces couple to repaint their freshly painted house, couple chooses brightest paint possible

What's the craziest color you'd consider painting your home ? Neon pink? Lime green? Electric yellow? There are so many possibilities, as one couple found out while they were challenging their HOA . This HOA member was truly a busybody with nothing better to do than critique other people's life choices. Joan was the “busybody president” who made a lot of assumptions about her neighbors. She was rather unkind in accusing her neighbors of keeping a renter in their home against HOA policy . Well,…
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Wedding Themes family drama bride groom wedding party drama wedding drama bridesmaids brother halloween sibling rivalry spooky siblings family feud wedding family married weddings - 36965637

Bride uninvites 25 family members from her halloween-themed "Corpse Bride" wedding after they try to usurp her theme 6 weeks before: 'I told them fine and canceled everyone['s] invitations'

There are plenty of types of weddings: bad weddings, good weddings, traditional weddings, and untraditional ones… those at traditional locations and those taking place on the tops of mountains and places you generally might not ever expect; there are also those that go all out and those without any manner of ceremony whatsoever. No matter what the difference one thing generally remains certain: The wedding is for those being married and a chance for their loved ones to witness and celebrate the…
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'[I'm] uninviting 25 family members to my wedding': Bride's family takes issue with Halloween-themed wedding, she kicks them out

'[I'm] uninviting 25 family members to my wedding': Bride's family takes issue with Halloween-themed wedding, she kicks them out

Family members always like to weigh in when it comes to their relatives' weddings, especially when they have absolutely no right to do so. Here , we have a bride who had been planning a Halloween-themed wedding weekend for over two years now. Everyone in the family was well aware of the theme and seemed to be perfectly fine with it. That is, until about six weeks before the wedding when a group of extended family members decided to suddenly freak out with little time to spare. Out of nowhere, t…
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'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

“Tell them to sod off," quipped one person who was thrilled at this homeowner's HOA workaround . When you picture your dream home, maybe you imagine a big lawn for your kids to run around in. Maybe you envision a wrap-around porch where you and your friends can sip lemonade in the summer. Perhaps you dream of a home where you can decorate it in any color or style: your imagination is the limit. Well, you can forget most of your housing dreams the moment you move into any neighborhood run by an…
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'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

When this woman marched over to her new neighbor's house , she wasn't there to greet them and welcome them to the town. She didn't bring along a plate of cookies, or offer to water the plants if they're out of town. Instead of doing any number of nice acts, this woman decided to chide her new neighbors over their house decorations (or lack thereof). First impressions matter. The couple who told this story in the r/MalciousCompliance subreddit know that all too well. Since their neighbor didn't…
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'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious person leaves note telling neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious Halloween hater leaves note demanding neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

This person couldn't have undecorated fast enough for one of their neighbors. It seems like every year people debate how long it's okay to leave holiday decorations up until. Is it okay to leave a Christmas tree up until February? What about leaving holiday lights up year-round? And when exactly should you switch from Thanksgiving decorations to Hanukkah or Christmas ones? It varies differently from family to family. Plus, people set up their decorations at different times, too. Some love to st…
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rules halloween costumes halloween candy neighbors neighborhood celebration trick or treat nextdoor halloween costume funny weird holidays neighbor - 22888709

'No outfits that are frightening to dogs': Concerned neighbor writes bizarre list of Halloween rules to 'avoid a repeat of last year's Halloween'

This person has some unsolicited rules to “avoid a repeat of last year's Halloween." A Brixton Hill resident created a strange list of Halloween rules that ignited discussion on the r/nextdoor subreddit. That's because these aren't common sense rules, like stopping trick or treating at 10PM, or requiring kids take only one piece of candy. No, these rules are fully unhinged, and could only be written by the kind of person who doesn't have kids and also doesn't like children.
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'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat his dish

'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Middle school teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat the dish

This teacher just won Halloween . His interesting choice of potluck meal seems to be a legendary choice! Halloween is a fun time for lots of kids and adults who celebrate it. It's a time to think of the most fun, scary, or silly costume you can think of, as well as dressing up your kids or pets. Other people love to deck their house out with those 12-foot skeletons or put fake spider webs over every bush and tree in their yard. Not to mention the fun of going trick or treating, or staying in an…
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FAILS trick or treating halloween stories failblog halloween fail stories halloween halloween fails nostalgic halloween halloween throwback Reddit trick or treating fail - 22812677

‘And that, kids, is how you know you’re not the favorite child’: 20 People share their biggest Halloween fails

Halloween is a holiday where you dress up in a costume and have some fun . That's really it. You can go into the history of it and the different types of cultures it was influenced by, but currently, it really isn't that complicated. You put on a costume, and do something fun with your friends. Or if you're a kid, you put on a costume and go trick-or-treating and then try not to OD on candy. And there you have it—Halloween. Unfortunately, some people can make this holiday a little messy. Teenag…
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'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

If you're like me, you probably haven't planned your Halloween costume yet. It's not that you're not creative enough. I mean, you've compiled a list of potential options that includes all the costumes you didn't end up having time to put together from the past few years. You claim that this year you're going to go all out, but the reality is that Halloween is just over ten days away and you haven't done anything. If you find yourself in this position and you're in desperate need of a low-effort…
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'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots carrots

'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots

There is a lot to look forward to as Halloween approaches, but having to deal with difficult neighbors is certainly not one. For this Redditor's girlfriend, Halloween is an opportunity to flex her baking muscles to all the neighborhood kids and to make special Halloween-themed baked goods. However, this one new neighbor decided to make things exponentially harder for her. This neighbor caught wind that OP's girlfriend was big on homemade Halloween treats and decided to get ahead of things by gi…
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20+ Autumn Memes and Flops for Halloween-Obsessed Fall Folks

20+ Autumn Memes and Flops for Halloween-Obsessed Fall Folks

Cardigans, fallen leaves, and pumpkin spice, oh my! That's right, folks. Autumn is upon us, which means that it's time to start brainstorming your Halloween costume for all the parties you'll likely miss. ‘Tis the season when we are finally able to stop complaining about the blistering heat, air conditioning that is never strong enough, and that gross garbage smell that seems to spread across every street during the unbearable month that is August. Instead, we can move on, kiss that season good…
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halloween costumes workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace FAIL malicious compliance halloween work coworkers toxic-boss Office prank reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20824069

'I was like absolutely not': Employees share stories of mandatory group Halloween costumes at work

Office group activities are never fully embraced.
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Karen demands I don a costume and hand out candy to her kid, three days after Halloween

Karen takes her kid Trick-or-Treating 3 days after Halloween, demands neighbor to don costume and give candy

Halloween is clearly over, lady!
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