
great resignation

work story working workplace boss employee quit overworked hardworking retribution happy-ending quitting-on-site quitting-on-the-spot stories epic awesome empowering

'I couldn't let her talk to me like that': Overworked employee calls their boss's bluff, quitting 10 seconds after being called 'replaceable'

After an 80-hour work week with nothing to show for it but bags under your eyes and a dusty, unchanged salary check, overworked employees can start to unravel, like the worker in our next story.
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‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

Quitting is like a game of peekaboo. Now you see me, now you don't… and once you see me less, or rather, when I hand in my two-week notice, it's all fair game. Unless your employer is decent, which, if you work at a food franchise in customer service, is rare, you are bound to hit a few obstacles. So, in this case, OP's boss hired a new worker, whom OP was told to train. That was all dandy until OP's boss began giving the new hire all of OP's hours. Then, afterwards, OP got super annoyed, becau…
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work workplace coworker workers employee employees manager boss bosses fired working job company relatable getting-fired wrongful termination terminated osha

'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

Nobody wants to get fired around the holidays. It's objectively the worst time to lose your source of income and it's also consequently the worst time to find a NEW job. Since everyone's already enjoying their ‘let’s circle back in 2024' season, you're unlikely to get a sit down with the hiring department in any employment position... unless you're interested in retail. For that reason, most workers don't stage a coup against management during the holidays, but in our next story...
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boss employee manager great resignation work story work working vacation time PTO two week notice payback paid time off vacation - 23260677

'I would be giving up $1,200 in PTO': Guy conceals his resignation so that he can cash out $1,200 in PTO, causing controversy at the Thanksgiving dinner table

When you're little, the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong' is usually pretty clear. Stealing your friend's toy is wrong, but returning it to them is the right thing to do. However, playground rules don't apply when you're an adult and every black-and-white decision becomes muddled in a sea of grey.
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work workpalce coworker employees employee boss manager supervisor working promotion fired terminated position resigned

‘Nobody at work is your friend’: Boss betrays a loyal employee, notifying him that he's fired by asking him to train his replacement

When an employee leaves a company, there's a duty-vacuum that opens up in their wake. All of the responsibilities that that employee once did are now left to the devices of those left behind. Usually, it's simply a nuisance until the higher ups hire someone new, but for some, that opens a door of opportunity into a promotion. Right?!
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Boss resignation manager quit quitting bosses toxic workplace work working job employee company employees raise position pay raise

'He was trying to guilt trip me': Boss throws a hissy fit when their lab technician finds a better job elsewhere, affirming they made the right choice to leave

When you've been loyal to a company for a while, it may seem like a betrayal to put in your two week notice. Even though you're following standard resignation protocol, priceless employees are impossible to replace– thus, throwing your ex-boss into a lurch. You may feel a sting of regret for a moment when you break the news, but if your boss throws an all out tantrum against you for making choices that improve your personal life, it makes it a heckuvalot easier to walk away.
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work workplace toxic worker employee bartender barback boss bosses manager text texts screenshot fired quiet-firing quitting

'Am I getting fired?': Passive aggressive boss roasts his bartender before quiet firing her over a text; she scores a new non-toxic job

Getting fired is a huge bummer– that is, if you actually like your job. If you work for a crass, loser boss, it might be a blessing in disguise when you get the boot.
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work workplace worker workers employee employees boss bosses manager manager working quitting quit resign resignation nepotism

'I'm quitting this Friday. No notice. My boss will be doomed': Nepotistic boss gets what they deserve after burning their HR director time and time again

Working really hard at your job only to be rewarded with more work has to be one the hardest career lessons to learn. We would all like to believe that in a just world, doing your best at your job and becoming irreplaceable warrants a raise, but in the real world, it doesn't work like that.
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work workplace worker workers employee employees boss bosses manager working raise salary pay promotion quit resignation quitting pay workload

'I refuse to settle... I'm applying elsewhere': Hardworking lab technician quits after getting denied a promotion but having his workload doubled anyways

More work equals more money. It's the golden rule of business, but in most company environments, this simple equation gets over-complicated with variables like pizza parties, ‘company culture’, and bosses saying that you're a family.
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'[Quitting] started a cascade of resignations': IT guy quits after boss expects him to handle an absurd workload, watching the company implode as management tries to pull the same tricks on the rest of the employees

Just because someone knows how to reset the router, doesn't meant they're an IT specialist. For some reason, C-level bosses and upper management (the kind of bimbos who are incapable of any sort of ‘tech’ tinkering) seem to think that every person born after 1990 can handle the specialized career of an experienced tech person, even when it's not in their job description. It's for the good of the company, every employee needs to step up rather than watch their boss hire a professional...
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'I Quit': Servers Top Last Straws That Lead To Them Quitting

'I Quit': Servers Top Last Straws That Lead To Them Quitting

Managers who don't know how to maneuver workplace issues that pop up can often be as daunting as they are annoying, making employees wish they never would have joined the establishment in the first place. Sometimes this leads to a last straw or two, causing the employees to say 'adios'. In this case, OP took to r/Serverslife to complain about how the management at the restaurant he was working at was dragging their feet to fix literally anything. Among things that weren't working, there were 2…
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hubris manager pay managers salary employee employees work deny desperate begging boss working office training trainee replacement notice resignation payday

'They had their chance': Post-resignation, boss begs his employee to stay longer to train his replacement, gets denied

Managerial hubris is one of the reasons employees hate their jobs. Not only are we lacking in pay, but we are enslaved to the most incompetent group of overinflated bimbos who could easily be replaced by AI– at leas the replacement would be more charismatic. But these types of managers will deny your raise and then come begging for your help. Which is it? Do you value my hard work or not?
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employee boss salary paycheck pay-pay pay check money resignation revenge petty-revenge pro-revenge nuclear-revenge ghosts ghost ghosting presentation meeting quit quitting

'So I started planning my exit': Employee ghosts his boss after he repeatedly 'forgets' to pay him, sends him a resignation letter instead of showing up for an important meeting

People have jobs so that we get paid. Work is certainly not a hobby and a paycheck is a standard expectation from your boss every two weeks– it's honestly the bare minimum requirement that we ask of them. In this case, a diligent employee was fuming after months of reminding his boss to write him his salary checks– he used this fury to fuel a fiery resignation.
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Was asked to take a “lateral”promotion

'I turned in my notice': Employee offered promotion, later told that it's a 'lateral promotion' that comes with a $1 raise, quits

Being recognized for a job well done is essential for continued motivation — but every one of us would probably also like to be compensated for our extra generated value.
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Manager wants to “see my face” while working remote. | I work 100% remotely in public accounting. A typical day for me is working independently for the most part, while myself and my team make ourselves available for any phone calls, web meetings, and emails needed throughout the day.

Is remote work going away?: Manager demands remote worker keeps camera on and pointed at their face for all hours worked

How are we supposed to work in our PJs with this Karen manager eyeballing us the whole time?
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Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

There's something to be said here about following through on promises. When this company promised this worker a raise a year ago and then refused to follow through, all they were doing was stacking dominos that were ready to fall. It doesn't take that much effort to follow through on promises so it's hard to imagine what these idiots were thinking here. It doesn't seem unfair to expect a promised raise, especially in light of their contribution to dramatically increased production. Honestly, it…
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