
great resignation

insane boss manager anti work workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit tiktok great resignation - 16443397

Insane Company Suspends Worker For Not Participating in “Mandatory” Company TikTok

Say “Mandatory Company TikTok” and try to keep a straight face.
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great resignation coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses big quit coworker - 16429829

Coworker Tries to Get IT Guy Fired, He Turns the Table On Them With Secret Evidence

Did it not raise red flags that she was involved in multiple harassment cases?
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antiwork great resignation malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16424709

New Owner Orchestrates Own Obliteration, Fires Employee Who Owns Essential Patents

Swaying to the symphony of destruction.
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boss manager great resignation malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16396805

Senior Designer Uses Gendered Slur on Junior Designer, Calls Her Lazy, Surprised When HR Gets Involved

Really? You think you did nothing wrong?
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customer service manager great resignation retail managers big quit antiwork Horrible Bosses - 16387333

Retail Worker Told That They Need to Be Permitted to Leave, Manager Gets Mad When They Listen

The classic catch-22.
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customer service great resignation retail baby boomers food fast food - 16362245

Baby Boomer Coworker Quits After One Shift at Food Service Job, Shocked at the Low Pay for "All That Work"

"I can't believe they only pay you $9.50/hr to do all that work!"
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great resignation malicious compliance workplace big quit - 16343301

HR Downgrades Performance Review, Employee Threatens Performance Downgrade, VP Intervenes

"I will henceforth begin taking on only 80% or 4/5ths of the current workload I have been assigned."
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customer service aita relationship marriage sacked fired great resignation retail relationships Horrible Bosses employment cheating - 16342789

Insecure Husband Seething, Supermarket Employee Sacked, Wife's Wishes Rebuffed

"It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em."
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manager great resignation malicious compliance bosses workplace Horrible Bosses - 16331269

Untouchable and Unqualified Political Appointee Successfully Fires Herself, Regrets Immediately

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work, employee, bad boss, bad manager, workplace drama, manager, work, great resignation, Horrible Bosses, big quit

Power Tripping Manager Gets Put In His Place By Employee Who Has Had Enough

Sebastian launches into a massive tirade against his boss, Austin, when his Austin tries to power trip on him.
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revenge workplace Horrible Bosses great resignation work reform big quit - 16012805

Car Salesman Quits on the Spot When the Owner's Son Tells Him "Do You Know My Last Name"

Talk about a power trip.
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antiwork fired manager great resignation bosses workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16289029

Manager Stands Up For His Employees, Protects Them From Corporate Poppycock, Gets Fired

This is a true leader.
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pro revenge antiwork great resignation revenge petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses - 16275205

Manager Spreads Rumors About Guy's "Lovechild", He Starts Mass Resignation, Manager Loses Job

"The first I heard of her was when she outright fired a girl working the front desk because of a Playboy tag on a jacket."
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antiwork tech support manager great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses Tech big quit - 16266245

System Programmer Gets Written-Up For Using Words His Boss Doesn't Understand

What a tempestuous and pusillanimous individual.
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antiwork great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16260101

Jerk Boss Refuses to Accept Data Management Worker's Resignation, Tells Him He Can't Leave

Does he seriously think he can just order his workers not to quit?
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antiwork great resignation work workplace malicious compliance - 16248325

Guy Does Work of Position Above Without Change in Title, Boss Forgets His Benefit Package, He Racks Up Massive Amounts of PTO

Sounds like a win overall!
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