
graphic design

A collection of puzzling and troubling design fails.

Puzzling, Hilarious, And Downright Dumb Design Fails

They missed the mark and then some.
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A clever graphic designer decides to troll a prospective client. | Hi, is this person looking graphic designer? Yes! Wow quick just put ad up 30 minutes ago. Well this biz early bird gets worm. Can tell little bit about project? Sure need logo an Italian restaurant my husband and are opening called Tomato Tomato s probably easier if can talk on phone, mind if give ring s no good at my current design job and would be taking this on as freelance job, so can't talk about other projects on company

Graphic Designer Trolls Prospective Client

That client's got a real dirty mind.
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jobs IRL photoshop graphic design Video - 72688385

So This is How They Did Graphic Design Before Photoshop

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Page One in The Portfolio

graphic design rules my world clip art
Via F*ck Jerry

That Will Irritate the Hell Out of Them

degree graduation graphic design funny - 8401780992
Via I Like Gear

Proper Spacing is Important

monday thru friday work graphic design g rated - 8147554816
Via Foople85

The Only Thing Worse Would Be Comic Sans

comic sans fonts graphic design - 6472270080

WordArt Is The Height Of Graphic Design

graphic design nostalgia - 5783241728

What's this...appreciation you speak of?

graphic design Hall of Fame - 5439120640

More Subtle Than Comic Sans But Just as Deadly

customer service design graphic design passive aggressive - 5223287296


graphic design ruler - 4126640896

Graphic Design FAIL

design graphic design graphics oh vermont p33n signs syrup - 6300750848
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