graphic design

 online technology Tech television food design bad design funny funny photos funny pictures design fail graphic design

20+ Designs that were made to infuriate users: 'Unremovable ads on my $2,500 TV'

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'I spent $15,000 on this kitchen... It's been on the market for 415 days': 20 Home design choices that were completely baffling

 design fail bathrooms furniture ugly design cleaning clean living room lamp house design sink weird pics kitchen bad design funny photos funny pictures ugly graphic design funny weird

'I am sure that the creator has never washed a glass in his life': 20+ Things that are way too hard to clean

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

design fail bathrooms ugly design weird pics bad design funny photos funny pictures shirts ugly graphic design funny weird - 35814661

'Pay your parking fee before existing': 45 Design fails that were total flops

20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

'The library is now selling free coffee': Top 25 Design Mistakes of the Month (April 11, 2024)

'The library is now selling free coffee': Top 25 Design Mistakes of the Month (April 11, 2024)

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Love worry laugh': 20 Graphic design flops

'Love worry laugh': 20 Graphic design flops

25+ Designs made for people with bad taste

25+ Flawed designs made for people with terrible taste

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'We settled for $75,000': Graphic designer enjoys an 'I-told-you-so' moment; after being denied a raise, he quits and buys up all of the company's .com domains for $1k, scoring a small fortune in court

25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

'Forget you're never loved': 25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

workplace-stories work stories workplace-story work client workplace jobs computers job bad jobs technology mistakes graphics dumb graphic design stupid - 21289221

'They literally said "The stars weren't aligned" for that date': 20+ Clients who had workers laughing behind their backs

Hole-y bowls and double Doges: 20+ Designs that aren't quite right

Hole-y bowls and double Doges: 20+ Designs that aren't quite right

disney copyright malicious compliance revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit graphic design - 17883397

Graphic Designer Tries to Save Company and Client From Disney's Copyright Squadron, Boss Doesn't Listen Then Tries to Scapegoat Them

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