

Guy cracks wildly inappropriate joke about his girlfriend while at dinner.

Guy Gives Girlfriend Hard Time Over Meal Choice, Asks If He's Wrong

Definitely not cool, man.
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Man doesn't let his girlfriend be in his family photos at his wedding, and asks if he's in the wrong.

Man Doesn't Let Girlfriend Be In Family Photos At Wedding, Asks If He's In The Wrong

Eh, seems like it could've been the right move there, man.
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Friend goes full unhinged petty revenge mode on a gossiping girlfriend.

Friend Goes Petty Revenge Mode On Gossiping Girlfriend

Oh, they didn't hold back.
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Guy abandons his girlfriend on top of a mountain to watch the football game | AITA abandoning my girlfriend on top mountain know this sounds bad but hear out on this one wasn't even big mountain. Basically l've been going on hikes alone on weekend mornings while my girlfriend eats pancakes. On Sunday went do peak 's easy if vet like but still takes few hours went early so could be back football game at one could not miss this game. So woke up early go and my girlfriend gets up with and is like

Dude Abandons Girlfriend On Top Of Mountain To Watch Football

It was a Jets game.
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Man insists on licking his dinner plate clean, and his girlfriend gets upset.

Man Insists On Licking Dinner Plate Clean, Girlfriend's Not Down

Uh oh, trouble in dating paradise.
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Guy tells his girlfriend that she's not a witch and she proceeds to snap.

Guy Tells Girlfriend She's Not A Witch, Girlfriend Snaps

Whole lot of yikes going on.
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Girl's ex buys himself a gift, gives it to her, and then petty revenge ensues. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ImOnAnAllCarbDiet 5d 5 1 S 7 8 3 Ex bought himself gift as gift So did same This happened couple Christmases ago but someone told post this story here so Here am. About 4 months before Christmas 2018, my boyfriend at time accidentally spilt drink on his laptop and wrecked thing. He couldn't afford new one and his main source entertainment, so said he could borrow mine since didn't use often.

Ex Buys Himself Gift As Gift To Girlfriend, Petty Revenge Ensues

Dude brought this on himself.
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woman confronts cheating friend and boyfriend

Girl Confronts Friend For Cheating With Her Boyfriend

Full deer in the headlights mode.
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Woman changes diet, gets sleep recording app, and then learns a hard truth | TIFU by downloading sleeping app records noise changing my diet, forgetting check said app and blowing hot balls fire at my boyfriend months M Edit: spelling Sorry formatting am on an iPhone edit: and throwaway 27F) had trouble sleeping at night since child finding out my boyfriend (32M two years also has trouble sleeping at night decided both download an app basically records movement snoring extra noise and level

Girlfriend Changes Diet, Gets Sleep Recording App, Learns Hard Truth

High fiber diets can be dangerous.
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youtuber streamer Cr1tikal penguinz0 girlfriend fight

Streamer Cr1tikal Pulls $15K Pokemon card, Girlfriend Ruins Vibe

Such pain, so wow.
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A jobless boyfriend gets kicked out for being a hysterical cry baby around the house | AITA kicking my boyfriend out during pandemic and calling his mom come get him? Not hole 30f) let my bf 'Jesse 39m) come live with and my niece/nephew (who have custody year before this pandemic mess (so he moved around start 2019, but been dating since 2016 own modest 3 bedroom home (left by my mom have pay all utilities/property tax/etc on. No mortgage thank god but everything else pay.

Boyfriend Gets Kicked Out For Raging Around The House

Seems completely called for.
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Man misunderstands a common phrase, and girlfriend's dad suffers a shock as a result | r/tifu Join u/ChainedEagle 22h TIFU by telling my Girlfriend's Dad our relationship decline and would be asking his permission have an affair. M This happened last month during staycation U.K. with my (25M) girlfriend's (25F) family. My GF, her mum and her sister decided go shopping day. Her dad, sister's boyfriend and headed pub were about 3 pints FU began GFs Dad OP long have and my daughter been together

Man Misunderstands Common Phrase, Girlfriend's Dad Suffers A Shock As Result

Oh, that's unfortunate.
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Boyfriend upset his girlfriend beat him in a steak eating challenge | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/SmallDare1986 17 hours ago AITA embarrassing my boyfriend at restaurant? Ok this is really stupid, and Im pretty sure not asshole, but this happened over year ago, and my boyfriend keeps bringing this up as an example trying undermine him. So, both my boyfriend and love food. Not too uncommon obviously also both pretty athletic runner, so relatively small (around 100 pounds at 5'4 while he's an

Girlfriend Beats Upset Boyfriend in Steak Challenge

Not many relationships face the steak challenge.
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A fairly aggressive girlfriend steals from a guy's bank account, so her academic career takes a nosedive | r/ProRevenge u/justwaititgetsbetter 2d Join 8 N 7 e 3 "Fairly aggressive" girlfriend stole my bank account, so sent her academic career into nosedive senior at large state university. This happened first semester my freshman year selected an honors-type program placed co-ed dorm building with every other student program. As dumb freshman rushed into

Aggressive Girlfriend Steals From Bank Account, Pro Revenge Ensues

Yikes on yikes.
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Dad doesn't mention source of underwear, lets daughter start a huge fight | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/Ridivoe 1 day ago 4 &3 D 5e S 2 2 AITA not saying anything about underwear? Asshole My 20 year old daughter and her fiancé are currently staying with us love my daughter but she is very difficult and can't stand her fianc gave them deadline move out because can't take this anymore.

Dad Doesn't Explain Underwear, Sabotages Daughter's Relationship

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Man forces girlfriend to shower every night before going to bed | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/ShoppingAble 1d AITA forcing my girlfriend take shower before bed each night? Asshole know this isn't practice all people or couples, but think is good hygiene. This is even more true during summer people sweat more and have more body oil past she would spend night never said anything, but now are living together and sharing bed each night told her she can't come home and crawl into bed without taking shower

Man Forces Girlfriend To Take Shower Every Night Before Bed

Not cool dude.
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