
funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

A Tumblr thread explores the world of ambigrams | just-shower-thoughts word "swims" is same upside down bella-likes-nutella-and-acapella smiws eazyintheheezy upside down, not backwards. silly.

Tumblr Thread: The Wild World Of Ambigrams

Ambigrams are fun.
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A clueless Tumblr user thinks that honey is made from squashed up bees | fallout-new-vegas-2010 Follow vegans make peace with honey no shut up do fallout-new-vegas-2010 Follow Vegans be like can't take product bee's labor" and then eat child slave quinoa atomicwinterwonderland vegans will pretend not hear natives tell them their agave products are unsustainable because they have whimsical feelings about, and cannot stress this enough freedom hive insects

Tumblr User Thinks Honey's Made From Bees

But not the right way.
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A funny Tumblr post about how Darth Vader is a bit of a drama queen.

Tumblr Post: Darth Vader's Such A Drama King

Vader just loves his drama.
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A funny Tumblr thread about common phrases being misunderstood.

Enlightening Tumblr Thread Unpacks Actual Meanings Of Phrases

Yay, knowledge is power.
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A funny Tumblr thread about some very helpful frat boys.

Tumblr Story: Frat Boys Unite To Conquer Pressing Task

Hm, a little faith in humanity has been restored.
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funny quotes from weird sources tumblr

Tumblr Thread: Amazing Quotes from Ridiculous Sources

Sometimes the words just work.
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A funny Tumblr thread has Tumblr users swapping stories on the art of faked niceties in the service industry.

Tumblr Users Discuss The Art Of Faked Niceties In Service Industry

It really is its own kind of art form.
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funny tumblr moments, memes and gems

Tumblr Gems To Rifle Through Like a Goblin

Get the Tumblr gloves it's time for a fumble.
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A humorous Tumblr post imagines where books came from.

Humorous Tumblr Post Imagines Where Books Come From

Yep, checks out.
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funny random tumblr posts

Funny Tumblr Gems Unleashed From The Depths

Rise, pretties.
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funny and interesting thread on mythological evil whales in Icelandic lore

Tumblr Thread: The Summonable Evil Whales of Iceland

It started as a conversation about linguistics and turned into evil whales.
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An enlightening Tumblr post describes why Tony Stark's the most formidable avenger.

Tumblr Thread: Tony Stark's The Most Intimidating Avenger

I appreciate this theory.
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A collection of funny posts about various stomach-turning, cursed food items.

Cursed Food Creations From The Shadow Realm

Yeah, hard pass for me on these.
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A funny Tumblr thread raps off strange tidbits of unconfirmed knowledge. | narwhalsarefalling fun fact im weirdly knowlagable history soda dont even drink soda why do know so much about narwhalsarefalling coke and pepsi taste different because coke invent before refrigeration so designed be drunk warm, while pepsi designed after refrigeration invented so designed be drunk cold. as result tastes are different but if drink pepsi cold and coke warm theyll taste same.

Strange Tumblr Thread Raps Off Unconfirmed Factoids

Real or not, still interesting.
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A quick Tumblr post honors how strangely adorable humans are.

Quick Tumblr Post Honors How Strangely Adorable Humans Are

Humans are weird, indeed.
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Tumblr thread on ages of Mountain ranges in America | archosaur-automaton Rockies are new, young and virile and fresh Laramide orogeny, tall and lanky teenagers on geological scale Appalachian mountains are old, formed hundreds millions years ago before dinosaurs walked Earth. They are ancients, elders, witnesses half billion years life coming and going.

Tumblr Thread: Grasping The Age of The Appalachians

They're old.
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