
funny tumblr posts

Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or not

'Why is my teacher role playing with me in a formal email?': Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or cringe

The internet is always up in arms about some silly nonsense *shrugs ambivalently*. There are obviously many serious and big issues going on in the world, and it's nice to take a break from those important things to ponder the silliest and tiniest debates going on. This debate was flagged by a subreddit just for drama in the comments section, aptly named r/subredditdrama. The drama du jour was started after u/Justthisdudeyaknow posted a Tumblr meme from 2020. In the post, a student is surprised…
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funny tweets and tumblr gems

Funny, Random and Ridiculous Tweets and Tumblr Gems

Behold, the internet.
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funny tumblr gems, memes and random observations

Funny Tumblr Gems of The Sparkling Variety

If they're not from France they're just sparkling gems.
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funny tumblr posts

Random Tumblr Gems of Resplendent Hilarity

Shine on, Tumblr.
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funny tweets and gems from tumblr

Tumblr Gems And Sweet Tweets To Battle Boredom

Go away, malaise!
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A wild Tumblr thread about nature going beast mode.

Tumblr Story: Nature Goes Beast Mode, Fights Off Alien Invasion

Those dang cicadas, man.
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funny tumble gems, memes, stories, and observations

Random And Ridiculous Tumblr Gems To Fight The Clawing Boredom

Life is weird. Have observations.
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A funny Tumblr thread raps off strange tidbits of unconfirmed knowledge. | narwhalsarefalling fun fact im weirdly knowlagable history soda dont even drink soda why do know so much about narwhalsarefalling coke and pepsi taste different because coke invent before refrigeration so designed be drunk warm, while pepsi designed after refrigeration invented so designed be drunk cold. as result tastes are different but if drink pepsi cold and coke warm theyll taste same.

Strange Tumblr Thread Raps Off Unconfirmed Factoids

Real or not, still interesting.
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A quick Tumblr post on common misconceptions when caring for monsters | headspace-hotel Follow Common misconceptions surrounding care monsters Contrary popular belief is NOT normal Cerberus's heads fight with one another; this indicates anxiety or lack proper enrichment. Giant spiders are actually very social creatures, and should not be housed alone. Provide Sphinx with enrichment by answering its riddles. Though Sphinxes can be trained attack those who answer incorrectly, they actually

Quick Tumblr Post On Caring For Monsters

This should be a video game.
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funny and dumb posts from tumblr | tilthat TIL 1946 trapped moth caused malfunction early computer which resulted term 'bug be coined all software errors. via 1dietcokeinacan Follow an icon pbrim Follow And know about because Admiral Grace Hopper, one early programmers, wrote about her diary and even taped fried corpse moth page. 9,098 notes | Better Graphics Tougher Edgier Nintendo owldude: bryko: AN ACTUAL SLIDE NINTENDO'S 2003 E3 PRESS CONFERENCE early 2000s is treasure

Funny, Strange and Goofy Tumblr Gems

Tumblr keeps a-tumblin'.
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Tumblr users go all in on a conversation about The Incredibles | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try

Tumblr Users Analyze "The Incredibles" To Oblivion

Such a good movie.
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A funny Tumblr post about a strange horticultural technique that flattens trees | biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Seguir recently learned about horticultural technique called Espalier s funniest goddamn thing ever seen.

Tumblr Thread: Strange Horticultural Technique Is Terraria IRL

Flat trees are our new favorite trees.
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A quick Tumblr post on kids' various learning struggles | fozmeadows Watching my toddler figure out language is fascinating. Yesterday were stumped he kept insisting there Lego winner" behind his bookshelf turned out be little Lego trophy cup. Not knowing word trophy he'd extrapolated word thing can win And then, just now, he held up his empty milk container and said Mummy s not rubbish s allowed be bottle meaning, effectively want this. Don't throw away But an adult ear, there's something

Quick Tumblr Post On Kids' Language Struggles

A for effort.
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A funny Tumblr thread that includes Avatar The Last Airbender plot osmosis | bygodstillam 2 cerusee tumblr Follow glitch-h Ive never seen avatar last airbender but here is my understanding plot based on tumblr avatar is important bc he can bend all elements and no one else can. There hasnt been one while and fire nation is taking over couple siblings find boy trapped ice he's like 9 and bald and last airbender. Also he's avatar and they know this somehow -siblings are like "well guess have

Tumblr Thread: Avatar The Last Airbender Plot Osmosis

Not a bad job for someone who hasn't seen the show.
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Girls come across unparalleled joy when they're navigating a pumpkin patch | libraford While out on my adventures other day stopped at farmers market get some their exceptional peach cider and group four college age girls all got out an SUV, dressed somewhat identically (white face mask, gray or white top, dark bottoms, uggs) and headed up barn. One them shouted 'PUMPKIN' and pointed one 90lb pumpkins they had out front and all them ran see up close, taking turns with their phones get selfie

Tumblr Thread: Girls Discover Unequaled Joy At Pumpkin Patch

That pumpkin spice can get the people going.
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A collection of totally random yet funny moments from the world of Tumblr | krisadilli get comfortable with people start using them as pillows and foot rests themindprobe get used as pillow or foot rest feel loved ashton-irwin-belongs am both these people Source: krisadilli 599,937 notes

Totally Random Tumblr Tidbits Of Pure Golden Proportions

Good old Tumblr.
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