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Live-in Landlord refuses to return deposit, inspiring tenant to win it back in court: 'I just wanted my deposit back'

It's always best not to let money come between friends, and it's even better not to let money come between distant acquaintances because, in those situations, you don't even have that tight of bond to keep things even-keeled when the going gets tough. Making matters worse is the fact that you're not complete strangers who can handle business without letting it get personal. You're better off not knowing them at all so that all parties can remain objective because you're never going to look at f…
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Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Who else thinks the pink apartment is way worse? Clearly, these “besties” are not exactly the friendliest to one another because these pranks are far from innocent. This Redditor detests the color pink, so when she was away for the weekend, her BFF sought an opportunity and painted her room pink, along with replacing furniture and decor with pink-colored items. This isn't exactly the kind of prank that can be easily reversed. As a New Yorker, my immediate first thought was how is she going to g…
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friendship drama millennials friends mildly infuriating entitled reddit thread Reddit roommates entitled people - 36612869

'Today was the final straw': Man comes home from work to find his petty 30-year-old roommate removed bedroom door, insisting it was his choice

Ah, the never-ending tale of roommate drama. Is there anyone on this Earth who has zero roommate drama in their lifetimes? Whether you live with siblings, a best friend, or a romantic partner, you probably have a story or two about when typical roommate annoyances intensified the drama in your relationship. Hopefully, it's nothing as crazy as what this man had to endure.
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friendship bet drama friends relationships petty entitled reddit thread Reddit betting money - 36453381

'He owes me thousands': Man in debt to best friend finally wins a bet, ruins friendship by relentlessly nagging for the payout

"This is the kind of kindergarten etiquette I do not expect from a man in his 30's"
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'A cook… once served "rare" chicken': 25+ People who were staggeringly under-informed

'A cook… once served "rare" chicken': 25+ People who were staggeringly under-informed

Have you ever met someone who’s so misinformed about things that you start doubting them yourself? It’s a strange feeling to have someone happily inform you that solar panels are going to be too powerful sometime in the near future… because they’ll soak up too much sun? Yes, that’s a real thing that u/ChanceFray was told by their oddball roommate. They aren’t the only person who’s had some funny encounters with people who just weren’t very bright. When u/noelioli asked, “Who’s the stupidest per…
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'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?':15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?': 15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

Have you ever had that one friend who you insist on inviting to your place every time you hang out? Sometimes it's for practical reasons, like if you have a bigger kitchen to cook a meal in, or if they have cranky family members who want to be left alone. But then there are people like the ones below. These folks have some really messy or messed-up home lives, and it's making people really not want to visit . This person was curious about people's experiences visiting someone's home and decidin…
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'I slid a $10 towards the check [and] said goodbye': Frugal dude gets back at his lavish freeloading friends who 'always split the bill', forcing them to pay for their $200 meal themselves

Revenge is a dish best served at full price.
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Traveler ditches friend that shows up to much anticipated European trip with her mother, putting friendship at risk

Traveler ditches friend that shows up to much anticipated European trip with her mother, putting friendship at risk

Saving up the necessary funds for a foreign trip takes years. Thus, you anticipate that the day will be perfect when it finally arrives after many hours of nonstop work and meticulous preparation! The story below is an account of a frustrated friend. The original poster (OP) is traveling the world with one of her best friends. OP has traveled extensively in the past, so she made a point of doing the required research ahead of the trip. Her friend, on the other hand, was totally dependent on OP…
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Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Living with your best friends can go one of two ways – Either extremely great or terribly wrong, and you can assume that most people will tell you that it usually goes the latter way. There is something about sharing a space that is just so specific for everyone involved, that even if you love each other and enjoy each other's company, it does not mean that you will enjoy living together. The main problem is that you will not know until you try, and that is why most people would recommend simpl…
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wedding weddings wedding-stories stories story guest guests invited friends bride groom party going out leaving early disrespect dry-wedding reddit bar aita

'Bad friend': Selfish guest abandons her friend's wedding because they weren't serving alcohol, claims she 'just wanted to go out'

One woman decided that partying was far more important than supporting her sober friend, claiming the ‘wedding was boring’ and then rallying a troupe of other party animals to ditch the wedding early to go out to the bars.
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amitheahole aita best friends friends reddit story friend ethics etiquette reddit thread qanda - 35763205

Friend cancels group's luxurious vacation home booking after some don't pay their share: 'I told them that the house we had looked at was gone'

Any time responsibility and accountability is spread to thinly without the individuals themselves having the possibility of facing consequence for their actions people stop feeling the need to or trying to do the right thing as they normally would. See bystander effect and ** insert metaphor for society here**. You see this play out in group projects and the same is true for trying to get to big of a group together to do something. Trying to organize a trip for 12 “friends” to all stay in a vac…
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Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

When someone lives away from their parents, the possibility of seeing them split into two options - Either they travel to see their parents or their parents travel to see them. Traveling to your parents is usually not a problem. You can stay in your childhood bedroom and feel comfortable in the space in which you grew up. But when your parents come to visit you, it can get quite… tricky, to say the least. The biggest problem of all, is the sleeping situation – Where will your parents stay? Will…
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opinion ask reddit karens funny stories finance friends askreddit wealthy entitled family out of touch funny money karen opinions - 35704837

'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

Some people are blissfully unaware of the world they live in. If they've lived a sheltered life, they may not know about the ordinary things that lots of people deal with on a daily basis. If you've ever had a friend who makes more money than you, maybe you already know this feeling. Naturally, no friend group is all going to be making the same exact salary. Some people in the friend group are probably just paying rent and living paycheck to paycheck in a lifestyle with no frills. Meanwhile, th…
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'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

While planning your potluck dinner , be sure to invite the right friend group! Maybe invite the friends whose homes you've eaten in before, or those who claim to be great cooks already. If you invite the wrong people—the kind who ignore safety protocols or just have zero idea what they're doing in the kitchen—you may wind up giving your whole party food poisoning. You should still invite your friends who can't cook , but just tell them to bring a dessert. That's pretty hard to mess up! Unless y…
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bridezilla bride bridal bridal-party wedding weddings marriage married wife wifey husband friend friendship friends group-chat wedding-shaming insane crazy

'Who [hasn't] donated $500 to the honeymoon?': Imperious bridezilla shocks her bridal party with delusional demands, gets put in her place

“You must fit into my childhood expectations"
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friendship aita meal friends Party sandwiches sandwich eating partying dining - 35489285

'I kept eyeing the sandwich': Party host confronts guest who ate half of a party sub

“I thought [it] would be a total non-issue,” this party guest admitted, but they know now that they accidentally committed a party foul.
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