
'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat his dish

'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Middle school teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat the dish

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Quirky customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

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'We probably got 30 meals free': Friend group cheats the system at a fast-food chain and gets a massive haul of free food

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'I don't want my server to have a sense of humor': Waitress faces online backlash for her jokey sense of humor with customers

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee labels restaurant food to pass an audit

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee maliciously complies with labelling restaurant food to pass an audit

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'Someone made brownies with ground meat': 20+ worst dishes people brought to a potluck

'Someone made brownies with ground meat': 20+ worst dishes people brought to a potluck

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss wants employee to ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss insists employee ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant won't serve them indoors

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Entitled diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant refuses to serve them indoors

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

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'So I dyed my hair blue': Rebellious line cook gets tired of being blamed for hairs found in the food, she retaliates by dying her hair bright blue

'I didn't cook anything': Husband complains about wife's cooking smell, she maliciously complies and refuses to cook him dinner anymore

'I didn't cook anything': Husband complains about wife's cooking smell, she maliciously complies and refuses to cook him dinner anymore

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'A seafood restaurant should not smell fishy': 25+ Restaurant workers explain the red flags hiding in plain sight while dining

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs tell all about the biggest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs share the biggest, funniest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers