
'I almost caused 12 people to lose their jobs': Coworkers almost quit after office manager demands they complete extra tasks like cleaning the office

'I almost caused 12 people to lose their jobs': Coworkers almost quit after manager demands they complete extra tasks like cleaning the office

'I was excited... to get some video game satisfaction': Fired employee gets back at money-grubbing CEO in the most epic gamer fashion

'I was excited... to get some video game satisfaction': Fired employee gets back at money-grubbing CEO in the most epic gamer fashion

'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd to remove my access:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

'I got fired for changing': Server fired after customer sees her using the public bathroom stall to change into uniform

'I got fired for changing': Server fired after customer sees her using the public bathroom stall to change into uniform

‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

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'Jay claims that I went too far over a few books': Woman calls the cops and gets her friend fired after he stole her valuable books

'Can my employer make me pay the difference?': Server accidentally orders wrong bottle of wine, manager makes them pay up

'Can my employer make me pay the difference?': Server accidentally orders wrong bottle of wine, manager makes them pay up

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'Now they want a resignation notice': Teacher gets fired, then ordered to submit a resignation

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'Forget everything about this place': Employee threatened with lawsuit for not helping their employer 10 years after being fired

'[He] lost a $100k+ job for stealing eggs': 25+ People who lost their jobs in surprising ways

'[He] lost a $100k+ job for stealing eggs': 25+ People who got fired for the craziest reasons

‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

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'My boss cut my salary in half': Employee demoted despite having to do the same tasks and responsibilities, internet reacts

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

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'It would be better for everyone if I quit': Boss threatens to fire employee all year, employee finally quits, boss tries to get him back

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'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation