
workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work new job workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22840069

'Got asked to make it 4 weeks notice, then got fired': Worker agrees to extend their notice period after finding new job before being fired on the spot

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'She called 8 times in the run of 24 hours:' Restaurant employee no-call/no-shows for her shifts, refuses to believe the manager when he tells her she's fired

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace getting fired employment issues fired manager Horrible Bosses - 22781189

'[He] asked me to return [...] at double my current pay': Boss gets fired when worker stops doing extra work for them

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22662661

'He was "reassigned" to a different department': Operations officer demands less collaboration with disastrous results, loses his job

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'I can't wait for Monday': Exemplary employee gets fired by a nepo-baby manager; gets revenge by leaving behind a boobytrapped break room full of rotting trash

'Supervisor [...] fired her staff for obeying the rules': Receptionist follows boss's rules, refuses to make coffee for salesman, gets fired but asked to stay until replacement starts

'Supervisor [...] fired her staff for obeying the rules': Receptionist follows boss's rules, refuses to make coffee for salesman, gets fired but asked to stay until replacement starts

'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

'Not sure why he didn't get fired': 10+ times coworkers messed up majorly and got away with it

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

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'My replacement quit after I left... they didn't feel safe working for an untrustworthy boss': Loyal employee gets fired for no reason then wins a hefty lawsuit settlement, watching the company go up in flames afterwards

'She was employed there for 45 minutes': Boss accidentally loses tarantula-loving new hire after breaking her only request

'She was employed there for 45 minutes': Boss accidentally loses tarantula-loving new hire after breaking her only request

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'The factory chief laughed in my face': Irreplaceable employee creates a program to aid factory operations, gets fired and takes his intellectual property with him

workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22586885

'He's being paid "too much"': Horrified worker shares how company wants to fire valuable veteran worker to cut costs

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

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'His story didn't add up': Client tries to throw lawyer under the bus, loses and gets fired

'I effectively ended her career': Young employee messes with coworker's employment hours, coworker gets her kicked out of college as payback

'I effectively ended her career': Young employee messes with coworker's employment hours, coworker gets her kicked out of college as payback

‘I won’t buy you a house... that's ridiculous': Unemployed neighbor asks former resident to buy him a house, because he can't afford one

‘I won’t buy you a house... that's ridiculous': Unemployed neighbor asks former resident to buy him a house, because he can't afford one