
fired on spot

'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

People tend to have some patience for the new person, but there are a few things they can do that will get them fired ASAP. In fact, if you were looking for ways to get out of a job the fastest, this is a great list of ideas. When a coworker gets fired, word spreads like wildfire. It quickly becomes the water cooler gossip of the day. The crazier the offense, the better the story is! After all, you have to be doing something majorly wrong if you're fired within hours of signing your onboarding…
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best work memes from this week

34 Working Hard or Hardly Working Memes for Exhausted Employees

Trying to beat that eepy feeling at work should count as overtime.
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'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

These people couldn't believe what they were hearing when their bosses told them they were fired . That's because these workers were let go for some pretty off-the-wall reasons. The usual reasons people are fired are things like repeated latenesses, complaints from customers, talking back to management, or being put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) without improving. Most companies try to avoid firing people if possible, but sometimes it's avoidable. At least you're not the person who go…
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'Sorry honey... blocked': Entitled mother expects to still be friends with the nanny after firing her for taking 6 days off for a medical emergency

Entitled mother expects to 'still be friends' with the nanny after firing her on the spot for taking 6 days off for a medical emergency: 'Sorry honey... Blocked'

“Sorry honey. You don't get to fire someone during one of the most traumatic moments of their lives and expect them to stay friends with you. Nor will I come running back when you realize you now have no childcare.”
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Teenager fired before even finishing training gets sage advice on confidence and entering the workforce: 'Don’t take it too hard'

Teenager fired before even finishing training gets sage advice on confidence and entering the workforce: 'Don’t take it too hard'

Do you remember your first job? How nervous you were at the interview? And how nerve-racking the end of that job was? Whether you quit or got fired, it's so stressful.
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'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

“At the same time, I probably dodged a bullet because what a weird requirement! Do they just fire anyone who turns 25??”
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'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

This (former) coffee shop worker has had a confusing week as they switch jobs. It really shouldn't have been that difficult for them, but as they described it, their new bosses suddenly decided they “don't need you anymore.”
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23 Fire Memes for the Recently Fired Funemployed

23 Fire Memes for the Recently Fired Entering Their Funemployed Era

We're giving “funemployment” a whole new MEMEing! Hahaha Yeah…. Anyways, do people still use LinkedIn?
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work fired on spot workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24127749

New manager fires worker for calling out sick: 'Best of luck'

You're going to get sick. It's just going to happen—even those of us with an immunity of iron are eventually going to catch a stray bug that puts us down for a couple of days. Undoubtedly, even when the business moguls of the world manage to replace us with a bunch of robots, they're going to be sorely disappointed when those robots have glitches, bugs, and viruses that cause inevitable downtime.
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'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

You can push the limits all you want, but you'd better be prepared for the consequences. Some people work at the same place for so long that they get a little too comfortable. They start to feel immune to workplace rules and regulations. If you catch them bending the rules, they'll probably just give you a wink and a nudge because they think the higher-ups will have their back. Having friends in high places does help, certainly. But some people get fired for the silliest reasons anyway. For one…
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'You won't be needed in the future:' Restaurant manager fires dishwasher after first shift for 'red flags' he deemed wholeheartedly fireable

'You won't be needed in the future:' Restaurant manager fires dishwasher after first shift for 'red flags' he deemed wholeheartedly fireable

It's not easy landing a job these days, the workforce is all kinds of crazy currently. So if and when you do manage to land a job, you should probably hold onto it the best you can, right? If it is a horrible work environment, the, by all means, quit. But if everything is going along just fine and you're getting paid and enjoy your coworkers, then why would you mess that up?
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r-askhr, r-antiwork, unjustly-fired, fired-stories

'I got fired over [false] TikTok allegations': Unfair termination of young night shift nurse sparks others to share their stories of unjustly being let go

The job market is not so easy these days. Long gone are the times when you could just march into some big boss' office with optimism and a hard work ethic and land a job. Wouldn't it be nice If that were still a thing? Unfortunately, it has gotten a lot more complicated and competitive. Now, you need experience in order to get the experience and be willing to work deathly shifts. Take, for instance, this young nurs e. Only 23 years old, she has been working the night shift at a youth psych hosp…
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‘Uno reverse card played’: New woodwork shop president fires employee for discovering insider theft, employee then tricks company out of $11,000 and wins $400

Want to have a good laugh about a shady company getting its comeuppance? Then, boy, did we find the story for you! There's no laugh quite as hearty as one you have reading about a nefarious upper management getting what they deserve. This upper management team started going downhill when a new president was hired . A members-funded woodwork shop in Australia had a very expensive piece of machinery that nobody knew how to use. A couple of employees took it upon themselves to learn and fix up thi…
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HR-deal, new-manager-deal, manager-training, reddit, failblog, r-work

'Out of spite... I decided to take a leave for a whole month': Manager in training told for 6 months she would not be hired, HR steps in with a sweet deal

Welcome to the confusing world of job searching. If you have never been here before, better buckle up, buddy. Even if you're hired to get trained doesn't always guarantee that you're going to be brought on full-time. Or does it? I guess this is where you have to read the fine print. One Redditor said she was brought on to a company as a manager in training (MIT) with nothing in writing stating she would be hired afterwards. However, things were going swimmingly, her coworkers seemed to like her…
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reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server

'They proceeded to fire me': Server cards belligerent underaged kid in her section and kicks him out, is fired after he leaves 1-star review

You know that stereotype of restaurant owners being grimy and shady? Well, unfortunately, it's not unwarranted. More often than not restaurant owners will toy with their employees' lives just to save face. That might mean getting fired for no just reason because someone left an entitled 1-star review. That is where this Reddit story goes. This server covered a shift for a coworker in mourning. When she got there, her section already had a belligerent guy who obviously had way too much to drink.…
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reddit, failblog, r-work, construction-worker, carpenter, electrician, Maine-contractor, fired-at-will, rehired, unemployment-question

‘The dude "released" me without notice’: Boss fires 3-year contractor, tries to bypass giving him unemployment by rehiring him as a 'new employee'

If you have ever been fired, then you there is an emotional and mental processing period right afterwards. You go through the stages of grief. After you come out of that, you pick yourself back up and you start over—applying for unemployment, applying to new jobs, etc. However, some shady business will try to meddle in your grieving period by unfairly removing your chances at getting unemployment. How do they expect you to eat and pay rent while you're looking for a new job? When this happens,…
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