
fast food

Top Fast Food Flops and Delivery Mishaps (July 25, 2024)

Top Fast Food Flops and Delivery Mishaps (July 25, 2024)

We've all had a poor experience with fast food at some point. When you get that late-night craving for a burger and fries, the last thing you want is to receive a half-eaten delivery, a major missing ingredient, or uncooked meat. Unfortunately, this is far more common than any of us would like to admit. When it does happen, we hopefully catch it before it's too late… you don't want to discover raw chicken after you bite into your nugget. If you're lucky enough to catch it early, you throw your…
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Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Exhausted from work and hunting for the perfect meal to satisfy your munchies, you might not bother looking over the bill to ensure you were not billed more than is needed. However, there are times when you do notice, and what do you do then? Do you give up and brush it off as simply another example of something that ‘is not worth your aggravation’ or do you fight for a refund? The story below is an account of a clever consumer. The original poster (OP) relates how he managed to outwit the near…
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Fast food workers reveal the menu items you should seriously avoid: 'The ice machine doesn't get cleaned as often as you’d hope'

This might make you think twice about the next time you're feeling lazy and decide to pop through a drive-thru window to pick up a quick bite to eat. According to these fast food workers , no restaurant joint is off-limits. From menu items that are made up of all of the leftovers corporate doesn't want to go to waste to the machines that are built so poorly that they are impossible to clean, you probably should know these gross facts before you go spending your hard-earned money at some of thes…
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karens meal customers demanding karens in the wild entitled karen story fast food karen entitled people - 35886853

'I think I now have my favorite Karen story': Fast-food customer mocks the manager when she doesn't get what she wants

Every food worker has that one Karen story that they love to tell. While working in fast food service, employees are bound to encounter crabby customers daily. Customers show up at their hungriest, ready to eat ASAP. They often won't bother being polite to the employees, and if their food takes more than a minute or two, they'll start loudly complaining to everyone in earshot about it. Other people will get their food, but insist it just “isn't quite right.” Maybe they insist their fries are co…
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'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

Is anyone else just trying to make enough money to afford DoorDash again? Picture this: you're having a late-night craving for fast food. You probably got a targeted ad from Dominos that caught you in a vulnerable moment, so you couldn't help yourself. Against your better judgment, you order some pizza, cheesy bread, and even some of those chocolate lava cakes for you and your partner on a delivery service app, only to discover that the service fees before tipping make your entire order $20 mor…
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'I'm surprised we didn't all quit that day': 20+ Fast food workers share what happened on their worst day of work

'I'm surprised we didn't all quit that day': 20+ Fast food workers share what happened on their worst day of work

When you're working in fast food, not a day goes by without some kind of customer shenanigans . You can head into work in the most peaceful mood, ready to do your best and provide quality customer service, and yet by the end of your shift, the customers will have sapped all of your patience. That's because a lot of fast food customers have the attitude that their order is the most important thing in the whole world. I know, they're hungry, but it's more than hunger: entitlement will have them g…
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Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

Group activities within a company are basically a must these days. Every company (well, most companies), wants their employees to have a good relationship with each other, and for their employees to feel their work is being appreciated, and a fun activity outside of the office is often the way for companies to do just that. So if a big fast food chain tells their employees their tip money will be used for group activities, you would expect those activities to be extremely luxurious, since the e…
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Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that giving two weeks is a courtesy, not a requirement. If you do end up quitting without giving two weeks, that does not mean you are relinquishing any other prior rights as an employee. To translate to this specific scenario, your boss cannot dock your final pay because of your choice to quit on the spot. In this instance, we have a fast food employee who used to work at a very well-known establishment famous for its donuts (if you catch our drift).…
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'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

Anyone who has frequented an All You Can Eat Buffet establishment knows that things can get out of hand really quickly. Customers stay far too long, they overeat, they get sick, they eat more, and servers are left to clean up after everyone. It feel like a modern version of Roman Empire mayhem. Sure, it sounds lavish and over-the-top in theory, but in practice, it's all borderline disgusting. When I was in college, we had an All You Can Eat sushi place that once a year, had a Special Discount d…
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'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

While working in sandwich shops, these cashiers managed to lose their appetites. After creating some truly monstrous sandwiches, these ones were memorable enough to tell the world about. When you ask sandwich shop workers to share the “strangest order you've ever had from a customer,” you end up discovering what people's favorite ingredients are. For example, more than one person had to make sandwiches that were completely covered in olives! They're known for adding a bit of salty flavor to a s…
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Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Many entitled people walk through life thinking they're the main character of the universe without a single person calling them out on their nonsense. Sure, dealing with entitled people is a difficult endeavor. Why would you want to put yourself through that? Well, the truth of the matter is that it's better for humanity at large to knock these folks down a peg and remind them that they are in no way better than the rest of us. So with that in mind, it comes as no surprise to us that the local…
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'My 19 topping pizza': 20 Frightfully flavored pizza pies

'My 19 topping pizza': 20 Frightfully flavored pizza pies

Pizza is one of the most universally beloved foods (with the exception of these 20 pizzas, which are not loved). Sorry not sorry, there's just no saving most of these pies from their fate: the garbage can. I'm happy for the person who ordered the 19-topping pizza (first photo!). I really am. If you want to turn your pizza into a chopped salad of sorts, that should be your prerogative. Even better, this person got all of those extra toppings for free! That's the kind of order that makes the owne…
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'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

If you've only ever snuck candy into a movie theater , you haven't lived. These people have snuck in full meals! For many of us, sneaking candy into the movie theater is a way of life. At least in my town, it almost seemed designed that way. The movie theater was in a strip mall, and just two stores down was a dollar store that had a massive candy section at the entrance. It was such a blatant candy display that I wondered if they'd partnered with the theater or something. In reality, they were…
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'Micromanage me? Go ahead': Fast food workers band together to get micromanaging shift supervisor fired

'Micromanage me? Go ahead': Fast food workers band together to get micromanaging shift supervisor fired

Sure, it takes a detail-oriented person to manage a restaurant, but some supervisors are not cut out for it simply because they are too intense. These micromanagers tend to be unable to pivot if unforeseen circumstances arise. They also tend to be extremely frustrated when employees make judgment calls and handle their tasks differently. In other words, micromanagers rarely make genuinely good bosses. Instead, the only thing they are successful at is making enemies out of the people who work fo…
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'Driver ate my food': Top Food Delivery Fiascos of the Week (April 24, 2024)

'Driver ate my food': Top Food Delivery Fiascos of the Week (April 24, 2024)

There is a plethora of ways in which a food delivery order can go wrong. Sometimes, it's an honest mistake. Sometimes, it's the customer's fault. And sometimes the person delivering your food is a bit too eager and bizarre. You know, the kind of guy who messages you after the delivery is complete. Perhaps it's about getting an extra tip or maybe it's even a flirtation no one asked for. Regardless, customers and delivery drivers alike are human, which means the capacity for errors and misjudgmen…
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Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

It turns out that entitled customers are willing to go far for their extra ketchup! This Karen had the audacity to throw two ridiculous tantrums at the same McDonald's establishment within a short amount of time, as if the people who witnessed the first outburst would have suddenly forgotten. The result? She ended up in the back of a police car and wound up getting into way more trouble than she anticipated. The first temper tantrum involved not having the right amount of change to pay for her…
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