
family drama

divorced family drama aita marriage wedding drama wife marriage-drama husband divorce marriage advice family - 25414405

Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

When you're legally and financially tied to another person to the point where everything would be evenly split should the relationship end, you really have no business making excessively extravagant purchases without the both of you being on the same page. The acceptability of these slides further when that thing has no bearing on, or positive effect on, advancing your lives or livelihood together. Look I'm not going to be one of those people who starts talking about how collecting “pictures pr…
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Nannies share their stories working for rich families, entitled parents, and Karen mommies: 'The 3-year-old slips up and calls me Mama constantly'

Nannies share their stories working for rich families, entitled parents, and Karen mommies: 'The 3-year-old slips up and calls me Mama constantly'

Working for wealthy folks can be endlessly frustrating. People may think The White Lotus and Triangle of Sadness are heightened exaggerations of what it's like, but based on these stories, it's quite clear that those films may be leaning closer to nonfiction territory than anyone wants to believe. Although I have never worked as a full-time nanny , I have worked in education, specifically for wealthy families. I have seen the entitlement, the distorted view of reality, and the unrealistic expec…
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family drama wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud wedding family weddings - 25990149

Sister demands $100k as a wedding gift, says $20k is not enough: 'She's demanding I cover the full $100k cost [of the wedding]'

A gift is given willingly—usually without having an expectation placed upon it. Sure, when you're a kid, you might have gotten away with giving Mom and Dad some direction as to what to get you so that you didn't end up with something that wasn't worth anyone's money or time. For instance, if you asked your parents for just a generic “Gameboy game,” you'd wind up with some blockbuster movie cash grab that was almost unplayable and made by some third-party developer instead of the Pokemon game yo…
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family drama entitlement saving money absurd family feud 401k father in law baby boomers in laws mother in law ridiculous boomers entitled daughter retirement son entitled people - 25959173

Boomer mother-in-law demands son doesn't go out to eat so he can save for her retirement: 'Brian save your money, we have no 401k'

This family seems like they might need to clear some things up before their next dinner party. After marrying his wife, the Original Poster (OP) noticed his mother-in-law was always urging him to save his money. At first, he thought she was just looking out for him. It turns out that she actually plans to have her son-in-law fund her and her husband's retirement since they have no savings themselves. The entitled Boomer mother-in-law accidentally let this information slip when the family was al…
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‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

Siblings should always tease one another, that is pretty much the most basic rule in the siblings' rule book. One of the common ways to tease your younger siblings is by telling them they are actually adopted, and coming up with the most elaborate story for what happened with their actual birth parents, hiding their baby pictures, and sometimes even asking your parents to go along with it. The girl in this Reddit story discovered that her life is not far from being a big adoption prank, except…
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20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

Being a guest in someone else's house means adjusting to new rules, some of which can be, well, ridiculous. Sure, there are the common ones that visitors are used to, such as taking off your shoes at the front door or house rules regarding how pets are treated (how they're fed, where they're allowed to go, etc.). Unfortunately, these folks had to deal with a lot more than the average house guest. For instance, one of these guests had to endure leaving doors open at all times. Yes, that included…
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family drama aita brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud family sister - 25862405

Sister evicts brother's family from their family home, wonders if she's wrong: 'Last week him and his family were officially evicted'

Family dynamics are tough, and when it comes to siblings and cousins—as close as you might be—there's a very good chance that as you grow up you'll grow apart as you find your own path's in life. It's one of the hardest things to experience and leaves a lasting impression on you, but maybe you were better off without them. After all, they're all crazy, but you're not… right? Statistics aren't on your side but surely your apple must have fallen a little further from the tree than the rest of the…
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‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

Indeed, family is precious, and you should make every effort to love and support them during good times and bad. But when will you be able to acknowledge that your family members might be taking advantage of you with their constant barrage of absurd demands? The story that follows is written from the viewpoint of an angry sibling. The original poster (OP) and his brother did not share a close bond. Perhaps they were tight as children, but since OP embarked on his journey to adulthood, they’ve g…
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Woman gets payback on gossiping Mother-in-law on family vacation after spreading rumors about her marriage: 'I cannot wait to get her back'

Woman gets payback on gossiping Mother-in-law on family vacation after spreading rumors about her marriage: 'I cannot wait to get her back'

It's not easy dealing with a Monster-in-law. Just ask Jennifer Lopez! Dealing with particular in-laws means always having to walk a fine line between pleasing them and standing up for yourself. This becomes all too real on family gatherings and vacations. Suddenly, you're forced to be with them all the time and to cater to their needs, wishes, and fluctuating moods. This Redditor has been preparing for an upcoming trip after learning that their mother-in-law was made aware of private informatio…
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‘I told you so’: Kid unplugs computer during a thunderstorm to prevent it from frying, stepdad demands he plugs it back, then blames kid when the computer stops working

‘I told you so’: Kid unplugs computer during a thunderstorm to prevent it from frying, stepdad demands he plugs it back, then blames kid when the computer stops working

Living in an area prone to storms surely teaches you a lot of life hacks and survival skills that other people don't know. If you don't want to lose half of your possessions and unreal amounts of money, you need to educate yourself and learn how to keep everything safe even when something like a hurricane or a thunderstorm hits your area. Some people, simply would not listen to advice about these matters, and when the consequences happen, they also refuse to admit they were wrong, but no one fe…
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Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

We prepare, we carry out, and we want the finest result. But what would you do if an associate decided they didn't feel like dealing with you after months of preparation for one of the most important events of your life? The story below is an account of a frustrated individual. The original poster (OP) thought of a way to contribute to his brother's wedding, making it special and unforgettable. To ensure the bride and groom arrived at the venue with style and swagger, he had planned to charter…
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'There is nothing to sue': HOA board member bothers family about fees after matriarch's passing, family sells house against his will

'There is nothing to sue': HOA board member bothers family about fees after matriarch's passing, family sells house against his will

HOA board members cannot really get much more heartless than this. While the family of a matriarch was in the midst of their grieving, Ed (the HOA representative) decided that now would be the right time to bother them about their mother's late fees. The truth of the matter was that even if the family wanted to pay those fees now, they couldn't because the courts had not yet ruled about the particulars of their mother's estate, but that answer was not enough for little old Ed. He kept bothering…
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‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

“I’m really tired of the idea that parents are somehow obligated to just take endless meanness, neglect, and general nastiness from their teenage/adult children…”
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family drama aita hospital family secrets dad family sister reddit thread Reddit - 25576197

Woman discovers long lost sister, sister blocks her on social media, woman shows up at her work: 'She had no interest in forging a relationship'

This lady needs to take a hint. When she first discovered her long-lost sister, she somehow missed what seemed like obvious clues that her sister, Esty, was uncomfortable about the whole thing given that she fell out of touch with their father. Then, this lady did not get the message when Esty blocked her on social media after the lady started following Esty and messaging her constantly. Finally, Esty took things way too far when she showed up at Esty's place of work completely unannounced. Tha…
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Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Family is family, but sometimes family doesn't act so family…
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Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

It's remarkable how common it is for the parents of the bride and groom to think the entire wedding is about them. Of course, if they contributed to the event financially or emotionally, of course, they deserve a voice. However, even parents who pay for an entire wedding should understand that they are not going to be the center of attention the entire time. This entitled mother-in-law didn't even contribute a dime, and yet she still felt the need to stir the pot and cause a scene. First, she r…
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