
family drama

family drama dogs petty-revenge-reddit sisters petty revenge petty reddit thread Reddit Cats funny - 24422917

Woman Makes Her Cats Meow All Night To Get Back at Her Sister for Her Noisy Dogs

Using your cats to get back at your sister's dogs is really putting the “pet” in petty. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/EightBitTrash, who might as well be responsible for the premise of the next Cats vs. Dogs movie (not that there should be another one). The Redditor, who has two cats, lives with her sister, who has two d
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family drama adult daughter entitled parents university college applying kids father daughter fatherhood entitled father bad parenting grown daughter parenting entitled r-entitled Reddit college parents entitled people - 24312837

'In retrospect, I might HAVE been too harsh': Father takes making-a-point too far and gets a dose of reality when grown daughter goes no-contact

When you become a father, you are now a father 24-7 for the rest of your life. Even if you choose to ignore those duties, that is still you affecting your child as a father, a bad father, but still a father. One of the biggest struggles parents tend to have is letting their child be free to do what they want. Parents want their kids to not make the mistakes they did growing up, so they forbid them from it. But the thing is, that isn't going to stop them, especially once they are grown…
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family drama wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud wedding family weddings - 24309253

Bride's woefully entitled brother thinks he is the exception to her "child-free" wedding: '[It's] causing divide in the family'

Nothing is worse than someone who thinks they are the exception to every rule—especially when that person is your sibling. And, if you think you are the exception to a rule when you haven't been told explicitly such... You probably aren't. It's important here to take a look in the mirror and realize that each and every one of us does this to an extent. It should come as no surprise that a lot of these involve driving. “Speed limits? But I'm a good driver; I can drive 5 or 10 over safely!” or “I…
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‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

Should money and family go hand in hand? The reality is, there isn't really a way around it. From the moment you are born, your parents have to financially support you, and as you grow up, money is always an issue that needs to be addressed. Even once you become a financially independent adult, somehow money always is a conversation at some point in family meetings. So as much as I would love to say you shouldn't mix family with money, I know it is not the most realistic advice, and the woman w…
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'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Newlywed won't feed their family members at their reception

'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Internet scolds newlywed who refuses to feed their family members at their reception

When this newlywed told the internet they “could use some judgement” about their wedding, the internet did not hold back. They told the OP exactly what they thought about some pretty strange wedding plans. It's no secret that weddings are expensive. It's basically the first thing you learn when you start researching: the prices are outrageous for everything from the venue to the food to the DJ. Unless you're planning to throw on a tee shirt and elope from the local court house, you're probably…
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'Enjoy your [new] drama-free life': Entitled sister quits the job her sister got her after only 2 days, sister cuts her from her life and blocks her from getting her W2 tax forms

Isn't it just a kick in the teeth when you really go out of your way to help someone and they aren't even grateful? Or worse, they totally take advantage of your kindness? That knife in your back feels even worse when it's from your own family. But, family drama is no mystery to the world and happens often. Take this woman, for example, who recently cut her own sister out of her life. Her sister was a struggling mother of three, so she went out of her way to help her as best as she could. She d…
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'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

A family is made up of parents, a few children, and sometimes one or more pets. It is the parents' responsibility to raise their children, and it is the children's responsibility to take care of their pets. But what happens when the parents don't know how to take care of their kids and instead rely on the kids to take care of and support them? Well, OP has to deal with a similar scenario in the story below. OP is a twenty-two-year-old young adult. OP successfully carries out all of his adult ob…
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family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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‘She was attempting to ruin our marriage to satisfy her jealousy’: Guy's younger cousin flirts with his husband, so family cuts her out of all inheritance

It's refreshing to read about a family that isn't afraid to dish out the consequences certain family members need. It's not an easy task to reprimand someone you love and care about, but sometimes it just has to be done. It might be hard at first, but in the long run, it is helpful. This guy was lucky enough to have a family that had his back. It had been years of enduring a certain younger cousin's toxic behaviors. Everyone thought and hoped she would grow out of it, but she never did—instead,…
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'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

Money is never an easy subject to bring up within a family. No matter how close you are to your parents or siblings, talking about salaries, inheritances, or wills will always be awkward. That is why I think as parents, you have to be sensible and honest if you end up in a spot where you have to bring these subjects up. Do not try to sugarcoat anything, but talk to your kids like the adults they probably are. That is the advice I would personally give this person who turned to Reddit for advice…
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reddit stories family drama amitheahole aita parenting parenting stories family - 23942149

Aunt wants niece to change her name, adoptive mom's not having it: 'She was being ridiculous'

Names are a dime a dozen, and—a bit like an ileum… everyone has one. The first time in your life that you meet another kid with the same name as you is also the first time you realize that you're quite as special as mommy says you are… You're just one in a sea of hundreds of thousands with the same name as you. Heck, as you get older and learn how to search your name on Google, you realize that you aren't even the only one around with the same first and last name combination—queue a lifelong fe…
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christmas family drama gifts presents text message text grandma niece entitled family grandmother entitled people - 23854085

'That should be the end of Christmas presents for her': Niece reacts to grandmother's presents that 'aren't what I asked for'

This kiddo is all but guaranteed to wake up with coal in her stocking next Christmas. Every generation eventually finds themselves wondering about the kids these days. They're living out such a different version of childhood than the one you had while growing up. No matter which generation you're from, you probably spent it in entirely different ways than someone who's 20 or 30 years your senior. Older generations grew up in an era where you spent all day outside, and when televisions had three…
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'I threw a shower for myself': Expecting parents ban 'delusional' MIL from seeing baby

'I threw a shower for myself': Expecting parents ban 'delusional' MIL from seeing baby

There are lots of details that go into planning a baby shower . It's a joyous celebration of expecting parents-to-be. Showers are usually thrown by those close to the pregnant person, like their friends, family members, or coworkers. It's all about the new baby and the mom---people bring cute presents and play baby-themed games. Sometimes the parties are even a surprise. No matter how they're arranged, baby showers are meant to celebrate the mom's pregnancy journey and the upcoming arrival of a…
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'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

Who doesn't love an epic revenge tale 32 years in the making? This woman got back at her ex-fiancé, who once took advantage of her fear of mice. Well, as it turns out, he was not exactly immune to the same fear. Now, there are far too many people I wish I could get even with, but I simply do not have the pettiness or energy to follow through. In fact, it took me several hours of talking myself up just to convince myself to confront an ex about him using my family's cable subscription. If I had…
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'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

It sounds like this person's aunt smelled some competition. She was making pie filling for an upcoming Holiday market, while her niece planned to bake a flan. It's always hard sharing space with family members during this time of the year, so the niece tried to get around any potential problems by requesting use of the kitchen for one day that week well in advance. Of course, everyone said yes, but at the last minute, this woman's aunt decided to unleash the Karen inside of her. This thread was…
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‘I refuse to accommodate her': Former mother-in-law refuses to attend Christmas dinner unless it's on ‘her terms’

‘I refuse to accommodate her': Former mother-in-law refuses to attend Christmas dinner unless it's on ‘her terms’

Family Christmas dinners are either the event you most look forward to OR the event that you are wholeheartedly dreading every day of the year until December, by which time you accept your fate. One daughter-in-law, who for the sake of this story, we will call OP, feared the latter, as she was no longer with her spouse, and did not take a liking to his family at all. The mother-in-law, who we will call Karen, liked to scowl, drink, complain, and do things her way. She never went out of her way…
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