
family drama

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Resentful teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

Teens are some of the sassiest people on Earth. Just ask their parents! Teens are at an age where they're still considered kids, so they crave independence and freedom from their parents. But since they still rely on their parents for everything, they've still got to be home by 9 PM or take the trash to the curb each week. Since they're still young and learning, they often say or do things that are wildly sassy. Maybe you were like that as a teen, and if not, chances are you knew someone who wa…
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tourist family drama wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings tourists family feud cruise wedding family weddings - 35336709

18-year-old abandons parents leaving them marooned on an island when they're late back to their Caribbean cruise: 'They would not head back to the ship when I said it was time to go'

Cruise ships: floating palaces packed with tourists and plague that light up the oceans and terrorize whatever small port they happen to land in. You'd have to consider yourself mighty important indeed to think that one of these floating fortresses would forestall its scheduled course in order to accommodate your unfortunately entitled person... Sure, let's leave 3999 people waiting while the 4000th takes their time making your way back to the dock according to their own time. Sure, it's a toug…
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'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

Tacky doesn't even begin to describe this aunt's wild behavior at her family member's home . If you visit your grandparents frequently, you get to know their house like the back of your hand. You probably cook with them or spend time lounging in their living room, and unexpected visits might be commonplace. But when a member of the family who keeps their distance suddenly shows up and tries to make themself at home, it's going to raise some eyebrows. This aunt was not even related to Grandma by…
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Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

The old man was warned! It's funny how in every family, there are certain events with each family member has a completely different recollection of the sequence of events. Sure, perspective is obviously a subjective phenomenon, but facts are also facts. In this case, this Redditor's father very clearly lost his own wrench, but the old man wound up convincing himself that his son was responsible. Of course, as with all recurring conversations within family dynamics, the son got frustrated by thi…
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family drama baby names wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud wedding names family weddings - 35262469

Sister unknowingly names her child the name her sister wanted to use, family is divided in the ensuing argument: 'She burst into tears'

Baby names are a tricky subject, especially when you factor in familial traditions that you might be expected to uphold, and limitations, judgment, and grievances that might be placed by the people around on the name you finally settle on. Of course, especially these days, many people want their baby's name to be unique. Yet somehow these people all end up naming their kid some variation of the same thing, not realizing it until their kid is one of dozens of “Theo”s in their class when they sta…
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Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Being a stepdad may not be the easiest job, but it should never get so rough that one feels the need to sabotage an upcoming family vacation. That's exactly what happened when this dude stole and hid his 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport just days before an all-family trip organized by his wife. First of all, the entire point of the trip in the wife's eyes was to build a stronger family dynamic between her husband, her daughter, and her stepsons. Obviously, trying to exclude his stepdaughter…
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Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Conducting business can be costly. Since there are no guarantees in business, only the daring among us take the chance and embark on the journey into the corporate world. The story below describes a disappointed sibling. The original poster (OP) had recently lost his father. After the father's passing, the children received equal ownership of the assets and money. As a result, upon inheriting the father's run-down home, OP spotted his chance to become wealthy and realized that real estate was h…
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family etiquette students student graduation reddit story family drama aita reddit thread amitheahole - 26041349

18-year-old daughter changes name without telling parents, Mom and Step-Dad learn at her graduation: 'I never wanted to be his kid'

Names are a personal thing… A personal thing that you traditionally have no control over—yet that defines your life before it even begins… and forms the basis of how others shape their understanding of you. It's understandable why we need them. The whole thing just makes sense and would be a little confusing if we didn't have ways of categorizing and referring to one another—even in the simplest means of communication… Imagine a world without names where you had no way of identifying who a mess…
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family drama aita funny stories kids reddit story married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married funny parenting - 28078853

Dad tricks picky kids into eating mushrooms, mom's not having it: 'I run it through the blender'

When you're a kid, there's plenty of stuff that you don't want to eat, the sheer existence of it being abhorrent and causing your stomach to turn. Your parent's attempts to trick and force you to eat it are unsuccessful. Try as they might to present it to you in new or disguised ways; your disgust remains. I remember loving my mom's mac and cheese as a kid until I one day saw her making it and witnessed her pouring some sludge labeled “cream of mushroom” into the mix. Cream of mushroom? I had u…
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teens family drama aita teenager mother teenagers reddit story parenting etiquette reddit thread - 26343429

17-year-old teen daughter gets back at her mother for shaming her choice of prom dress: 'I cried for a while but then came up with a plan'

Our parents are never going to totally agree with the way we choose to live our lives, there's just too much of a difference between the times we were raised in comparison to their own life experiences. Things change, as un undeniable nad undisputable fact, time marches on, and even of the most open minded of us can find ourselves behind the “now” of the world. Of course, for those without an open mind, this is harder still. They're not particularly fond of any change to begin with, so change t…
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Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Every parent needs a trusty babysitter they can leave their kids with from time to time. Whether you need them to watch your kids while you're at work, going out with friends, or simply in case of unexpected emergencies, it is always important to have someone you can count on. For many parents, that trusty babysitter is often a teenager who is looking for a way to make some money, and watching kids while they usually sleep seems like an easy way to do so. But it is crucial to remember that thos…
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16-year-old maliciously complies with stepmom's rule after getting his driver's license: 'I can't drive ANYWHERE without permission? OK!'

16-year-old maliciously complies with stepmom's rule after getting his driver's license: 'I can't drive ANYWHERE without permission? OK!'

Sometimes, teenagers don't even need to disobey their parents in order to show them just how ridiculous they are acting. In this case, we have a ridiculous stepmother who decided to chastise the Redditor for driving to his friend's place briefly to show off his brand new driver's license. It's the kind of accomplishment you want to relay to your friends. This isn't just another “teenagers being silly" story; this is a case of “give the kid a break.” Unfortunately, the stepmom from down below de…
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teens family drama amitheahole aita teenager step mother reddit story family feud parenting etiquette reddit thread parents - 26041093

Step-mother gets an answer she wasn't prepared for when she asks 17-year-old if she's a suitable replacement for step-child's mother: 'She was never second best [...] because she was never in the running'

It's often said that you should never ask questions that you don't know the answer to. It should also probably be said that you should never insist on an answer to that question once the chance to give one has been politely declined. Doing so is just setting yourself up for a bad time when the person you're demanding an answer from gives you one that you really don't want to hear… and when things get sensitive, a confrontation is sure to follow. This step-mom insisted on placing herself on the…
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Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

This mother needed a vacation away from parenting, and we totally get it. Not only was she the primary caretaker of her three children, but also she was juggling virtually every household duty imaginable with her own part-time job. Objectively speaking, the division of labor within this household was wildly imbalanced, yet somehow, this woman’s husband thinks differently. Sure, he works a full-time job and is technically the primary breadwinner of the family, but even so, you would think he wou…
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'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

Yes, your family should come first, but maintaining healthy boundaries is just as important as maintaining a strong family connection. Having stated that what would you do if your brother came to you for assistance but, in truth, refused to take any necessary action to support himself? Would you remain firm in demanding that your sibling learn how to fend for himself, or would you surrender in silence under the pretense of family loyalty? The brother who is frustrated is described in the story…
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Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Top 20 regrettable activities people will never do again: 'New Years Eve in Times Square'

Life is about trying things, but it's also about knowing your limits. In theory, you want to be able to find a good balance between the adventurous part of yourself and your rational side. If you lean too far into your impulses to explore, you could end up driving in the dark on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no cell service (this happened to a fairly impulsive friend of mine). On the other end of the spectrum, though, you don't want to be so stuck in your routine that you…
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