

Failbook. Where all the dumb things everyone thought they deleted are posted by their friends for others to laugh at and enjoy their inexplicable lack of a thought process. Remember - think before you post.

Facebook fails that will make you laugh out loud.

34 Facebook FAILs For Your Viewing Pleasure

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internet hypocrites

33 of the Biggest Hypocrites Ever to Grace the Internet With Their Presence

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cringeworthy facebook posts that will make you doubt humanity

41 of the Cringiest Facebook Moments We've Ever Seen

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If You Cry into the 'Nog, Nobody Will See Your Tears!

christmas relationships holidays failbook g rated - 8402005248
Created by david jordan

Go Home Wise Men, Smell Ya Later!

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Created by Gigi1182

Do You Believe in Miracles?

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Created by Unknown
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The 9 Types of People Who Truly Suck At Facebook

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Attempting to Verify an Onion Story...

black friday FAIL the onion failbook - 7932375040

Don't Worry, Dad

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Created by anselmbe

It's Just a Gut Feeling

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Via theglowpt1

Was Grandma Suffering From a Drought of Swag?

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Wat You Know 'Bout Ironic Memes, Marat?

failbook facebook Memes - 8976475904
Via pain76

Completely Harmless

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Via Komasan

School Is In Session

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Created by lepetomaine

Be Careful of His Antics!

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Via lifeofdad

Mutual Friends

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Via acoolguy

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