
reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

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'My stuff was more precious to me than her dignity': Girl steals $12,000 worth of watches and jewelry from her cousin's bedroom, gets caught in the act then offended when he goes through her bag

Gave my 12 y/o kid a $50 apple gift card, woke up to this, this morning. One of the charges was for $75, the lowest was $3.75, average was about $20. Did manage to get it all reversed, more in comments..

'Kid is about to lose his computer to eBay': Dad threatens to take son's computer after he runs up massive gaming bill

20+ Top DIY Fails for Lone Rangers Who Chose to Walk the Road Alone

20+ Top DIY Fails for Lone Rangers Who Chose to Walk the Road Alone

‘You Don’t Want to Do That’ : Employee's Good Intentions Prove Futile, Cheap Customer Picks Wrong Manager to Mess With, Leading to Karen Face Off

‘You Don’t Want to Do That’ : Employee's Good Intentions Prove Futile, Cheap Customer Picks Wrong Manager to Mess With, Leading to Karen Face Off

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‘You Messed With the Wrong Neighbor’ : HOA Penalize Man With Unfair Fines, He Plays Ultimate Long Game in Revenge, Leads to Foreclosure on Vice President's Home for Unpaid Fines Amounting to $10,000

'Two cups... made me transcend the space-time continuum': Guy shares his TIFU learning moment, says it was a 'terrible discovery'

'Two cups... made me transcend the space-time continuum': Guy shares his TIFU learning moment, says it was a 'terrible discovery'

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

20 People whose expensive mistakes cost them big

20 People whose expensive mistakes cost them big

‘It’s Just So F-up Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

‘It’s Just So F-ed Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

AITAH for locking up my "valuables" in my house

'I simply cannot afford to keep buying more skincare': Woman locks expensive products in a safe so her boyfriend will stop using them

scams society falls for

The Biggest Scams We All Keep Falling For

husband steals money from wife to get massages

Spa-Obsessed Husband Maxes Out Wife's Credit Card, Doesn't See Why That's An Issue

FAIL cringe clueless ridiculous dumb expensive money - 106362625

Man Crashes Multimillion Dollar Yacht Into Pier

guy accidentally spends 800 dollars on wine | TIFU by getting exchange rate wrong and spending $800 on bottle wine M So been living Japan almost two years now and have been seeing girl about six months. Today being Valentine's Day made reservations course meal at hotel restaurant.

Dude Accidentally Spends $800 on Wine

Ridiculously overpriced products | patchyj 1.5k points 4 days ago couple years ago, Mark's and Spencer Food high end supermarket UK, tried selling "Cauliflower Steak" which thick slice cauliflower 2.50 covered plastic could literally buy whole cauliflower same row bit further down 40p. They were crucified hilarious

Absurdly Overpriced Stuff People Have Seen