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To save $2,000, penny-pinching Karen chooses a budget handyman over a respectable contractor, pays the price later when he refuses to fix the amateur's mistakes: ‘Not worth my trouble’

This Karen, a cheapo haggler, decided she didn't feel like paying market value for her bathroom remodel after haranguing her contractor for months over every nickel and dime, but this ultimately cost more than just a couple thousand dollars, it would cost the integrity of her entire house.
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'There isn't a single entree item under $75': Woman gets back at entitled father who demands she be his personal chauffeur

Parents: you can't live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. You love them dearly, and they know how to get under your skin like no one else. That’s just how family is! It's the reason that a lot of people put up with irritating behavior from their family members, letting them push their boundaries way too far. If you've ever had to share a car with your family members, you know exactly how u/RiskItF0rTheBiscuit's sister was feeling. She writes that she and her Mom were sharing a car already, and…
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Clever property owner charges his bad neighbor $4,000 to access his property after he refused to go halfsies on a repair caused by his tree: ‘$4k [was] the exact cost of what he owed me’

Never burn a bridge with your next door neighbor
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'[She] berated a waitress over the quality of the brie pastry puffs': 15+ Stuck-up people who only care about money

'[She] berated a waitress over the quality of the brie pastry puffs': 15+ Stuck-up people who only care about money

Meeting someone from another tax bracket can be a real eye-opener. If you've ever had a work lunch with some higher-ups, or went on a trip with a wealthy friend and their family, you might know the feeling. The things you think are expensive are just regular things to them. The things you can't afford are things that they purchase without batting an eye. Have you ever gone shopping with someone who casually drops tens of thousands of dollars on clothing and golf clubs? It's eye-opening, to say…
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'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

Some people just love flexing how much money they have . They can't help it. They've made good money, and they want everyone to know about it. Oftentimes, people like this will pick a particular name brand, and then buy a bunch of bags and shoes and clothing all with that branding on it. It can get a little ridiculous when that person is dressed from head to toe in one brand. Other people spend every penny they have on expensive cars . There's nothing wrong with being a car person, but some peo…
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Neighbors snitch on the guy next door for a petty infringement, he returns the favor 10x over: ‘KARMA’

We've all learned one critical thing from scouring the Internet for entertaining stories of petty revenge–Never start a feud with your neighbor.
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'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

Airports are one of those necessary evils in life. Sometimes you want to be zipping down a ski slope or splashing in some clear blue water at a beach somewhere. But in order to get there, you'll have to endure a few hours of airport nightmares . I can't begin to tell you how many fake cell phone chargers there are in our country's airports. Judging by the folks at r/mildlyinfuriating who shared pics of their latest airport adventures, people absolutely love to get stickers that look like chargi…
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'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

There are plenty of conflicts that can cause a rift in adult friendships, but perhaps the most common one is money. Obviously, there are other worthy candidates such as difficulty with communication, differences in ideologies, and disagreements about significant others. However, how people deal with money can bring about cringeworthy interactions, upsetting revelations, and disturbing differences in opinion. For instance, here we have an adult male and his wife who were invited to their friend'…
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'Our apartment plummeted to 50°F, that was the final straw': Penny-pinching landlord charged $650 after telling their tenants they can't use the gas heater, tenants warm the house with the electric oven instead

Two words: Polar. Vortex.
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'He's old enough to know better': Entitled brother demands sibling chauffeur him indefinitely following $18,870 fine for driving uninsured

An $18,870 fine after a traffic stop is absolutely insane. Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality for the OP's 26-year-old brother, who now has one year to pay it off. Working extra hours seems like the obvious solution to generate the needed cash. However, this assumes the OP hasn't had to sell his car to cover some of the expenses. Regardless, his license is now suspended, meaning the entitled brother relies on others for transportation.
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‘Guess who's getting billed 16h of work for a 15 minute meeting’: Customer pays their consultant 100x more than expected after requesting a meeting that could have been an email

Everyone hates attending a meeting that could have been an email… But in corporate, white-collar America, the higher-ups eagerly await every round-robin at the conference table. C-level bosses take pleasure in the firm handshakes, they enjoy flexing their power over their employees's schedule, and they really, REALLY love hearing their own voice. However, for most employees, time is money.
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'You are too expensive': Boss fires employee, employee forces boss to compensate them for a full year and gets job at the competition

'You are too expensive': Boss fires employee, employee forces boss to compensate him for a full year and gets job at the competition

If this employee's boss thought he was expensive before he got fired, well, it turns out he was even more expensive to fire. There has to be something gratifying about proving to your boss that they made a mistake, and in this case, making it far too late for them to back out of their poor decision-making. It all started after this Redditor's boss pulled him aside one day and told him that they needed to have a discussion during his next coffee break. When OP walked into the meeting and saw the…
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'Selling my condo [...] to move in with my now ex gf': 20+ expensive mistakes from regretful people

'Selling my condo [...] to move in with my now ex gf': 20+ expensive mistakes from regretful people

Everyone has made an unfortunate money-related decision at some point in their lives. For some folks, it could be as small as buying a ridiculously overpriced sandwich. For others, it could be as big as a messy divorce. People don't always love to admit when they've spent an exorbitant amount of money on something. It's much easier to live in denial and pretend like it was all worth it. However, these brave souls decided to own up to their expensive mistakes on the Internet. Their stories were…
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'I called... to tell him the great news, and he loses it': Service advisor tells customer about cheap fix for his car, he insists on an expensive new fuel pump

'I called... to tell him the great news, and he loses it': Service advisor tells customer about cheap fix for his car, he insists on an expensive new fuel pump

Car owners have immense pride over their precious vehicles. People who are into cars get so invested in the details that make their automobile shine, from shiny rims to blackout windows. All of these extras don't come cheap, but for lots of people, their car is their favorite hobby, and they'll pour hundreds or thousands into making it look the best it can be. This person also took a lot of pride in his car , but it's less about love for his vehicle, and more about him thinking he can never be…
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reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

Clients lie. This is the one thing that is certain for every contractor in every industry. For some reason, know-it-all clients feel like it's some kind of flex to press their hobby knowledge on someone who is literally a professional in that field. In this case, a pushy Californian client was getting his home remodeled and couldn't fight his manly urge to try and teach his contractor a thing or two...
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'My stuff was more precious to me than her dignity': Girl steals $12,000 worth of watches and jewelry from her cousin's bedroom, gets caught in the act then offended when he goes through her bag

When a family member becomes financially successful and is moving forward in life, why is it that hangers-on and fringe members of the family feel entitled to a piece of their success? Your cousin may be buying fancy jewelry and accessories with their new-found cash, but that certainly doesn't entitle you to a piece of their diamond encrusted pie.
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