
'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'I will not be removing the late penalty': College student points out grading mistake, professor refuses to remove bogus deduction

'I will not be removing the late penalty': Professor refuses to remove bogus deduction after college student points out grading mistake

‘I Won’t Sign Your Weird Contract’ : College Student Dodges Unfair Grading via Malicious Compliance, Professor Left Speechless When She Can’t Fail Her

‘I Won’t Sign Your Weird Contract’ : College Student Dodges Unfair Grading via Malicious Compliance, Professor Left Speechless When She Can’t Fail Her

FAILS school teacher Memes test math funny exams - 20316421

20+ Funny Exam Fails From Students Who Clearly Didn't Study

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‘Whose notes are these?’: Student finds loophole in professor’s open-note exam policy, shares notes with the whole class

students malicious compliance grades Professors reddit thread Reddit college exams - 20175109

'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

Exam Fails That Are So Clever They Deserve Extra Credit

20+ Exam Fails That Are So Clever They Deserve Extra Credit

My teacher still refuses to give 100%

Teacher on a Power Trip Refuses to Give College Student a Perfect Score

AITA for putting mistakes in my shared google doc notes

College Student Puts Mistakes in Shared Study Guide So His Crush Will Fail and Need His Help

AskReddit users share the stupidest answers they've seen on exams.

Teachers Share The Stupidest Answers They've Received On Exams