
ex girlfriend

relationship advice ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends ex boyfriend relationships girlfriend online dating dating - 26040581

Ex-boyfriend upset that he didn't get seat upgrade after breaking up with girlfriend on a trip that she paid for: ''All my [vacation] time was spent looking after [my ex's child]'

Imagine this scenario… You want to do something nice for your partner, so you plan some time away with them. Even as a bonus, you organize and pay for their son to come too after plans fall through to have someone watch him. This is no short trip either; we're not talking about a three-day holiday over Memorial Day weekend or anything like that; we're talking about a full ten days. So, you book the tickets and pay for the accommodation—when you get there, your partner ditches you with their kid…
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divorced relationship advice marriage malicious compliance ex girlfriend revenge malicious-compliance-reddit relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend ex wife divorce marriage issues online dating dating - 25413893

'Threaten to sue me? Go for it!': Divorce goes bad when ex-wife threatens to sue after squandering her finances

It's usually best to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions. Unfortunately, when you have a propensity for making bad ones, you're also more likely to not want to take responsibility for them, instead casting them off on the other people who had the misfortune of being in your immediate proverbial vicinity. Being eternally financially bound to one of these liabilities through other accountabilities is not a great situation to be in. But, as with anything in life, the best you ca…
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20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

Some breakups do not call for maturity. Some exes are so deserving of payback that it would be a grave injustice if you chose not to do something. Obviously, the sensible thing to do following a breakup is to take the high road and to trust that the best revenge is success and happiness. That being said, we cannot expect the anonymous folks from this Reddit thread to do the sensible thing in these situations. We can only expect drama and unnecessary overreactions because, let's be real here, th…
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Woman gets back at ex-boyfriend by rubbing his sweatshirt in pet rabbit's litter box before returning it: 'If you held it up to your nose it REEKED':

Woman rubs ex-boyfriend's sweatshirt in pet rabbit's litter box before returning it: 'If you held it up to your nose it REEKED':

Who doesn't love a creative way to get back at your ex? It almost comes with the territory of a bad breakup these days. If you've wronged someone, you better prepare yourself for some petty revenge. Look, I don't make the rules, but that's the way the cookie crumbles now. We have seen countless methods of that kind of revenge here at FAIL Blog from prank calling to cutting off your ex's power. All of these valid, but what's special about this case of petty revenge is that on first glance, it di…
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'[He] spent almost $1300 on these girls': Woman discovers so-called 'frugal' boyfriend's infidelity, gets even while he's on vacation

'[He] spent almost $1300 on these girls': Woman discovers so-called 'frugal' boyfriend's infidelity, gets even while he's on vacation

This lady decided it was time for her soon-to-be ex to pay up! After he spent the majority of their relationship refusing to pay for more than his fair share when he made over $100K more annually through his job, his girlfriend discovered that he had been spending nearly $1300 on other women. I guess it's hard to be frugal with your partner when you're spending so much money outside of the relationship. It gets better, though. She discovered the truth about all these other women while staying a…
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'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

Who would be devious enough to devise an organized plan to kick their roommates out? This woman, apparently, who obviously has zero shame. The story is told from the perspective of her boyfriend, OP, who was living with her at the time that this all went down. He had a small inkling that she was cheating on him with a man she met at work. This man also happened to work at the apartment complex that OP and his girlfriend lived in. Why did OP think that she was cheating on him? Well, you know. Th…
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relationship advice jobs job ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend online dating job interview interview dating job application funny tinder tinder - 23534085

'You don't think it would be weird being my boss?': Surprised dude gets offered job by desperate recruiter on Tinder

Thirst traps on LinkedIn and now job recruiters on Tinder? What on this gosh green earth will we come across next? It's almost as if we've stepped out of the bounds of reality and now are hurtling forward on some alternative bizarro timeline in which the rules of the universe have been completely flip-flopped.
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'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

This breakup was pretty messy . Some breakups are simple — you just stop talking and pretend it never happened for a while. Others drag on and on, like the relationship this couple had. Splitting the bills as roommates seems to be a common problem that starts drama. These days, you can send a Venmo request without saying a word to your roommate. It's easy to complete their request, or request some money from them, with a few taps of a button. Because the alternative is asking them in person, wh…
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'OK, keep the deposit and do it all by yourself': Guy dumps girlfriend, moves out and maliciously complies with ex's ultimatum so she has to clean for once

'OK, keep the deposit and do it all by yourself': Guy dumps girlfriend, moves out and maliciously complies with ex's ultimatum so she has to clean for once

It's important to be careful with your wording over text, especially if you're delivering an ultimatum to your ex. This woman was trying to threaten that if her ex didn't come to clean their apartment before he moved out, she would keep all of their security deposit. The trouble was that he had no interest in doing all of the work and was pleased to let her take the money. She did not anticipate that he might maliciously comply with her demands in a way that would make her have to clean the apa…
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boyfriend relationship advice dogs drama pets ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend pet dating - 22896645

'AITA for asking her to cover this bill?': Girlfriend poisons dog with grapes, her boyfriend won't split the bill

Pets make for great company and comfort, but nothing about them is cheap—especially when they get into and eat something they weren't supposed which prompts an emergency trip to the vet. Similarly, it's important to remember that your pet has a different biology than you and often really shouldn't be eating the things that you and I are eating. Even some things you might think are okay, you'll be surprised to find they shouldn't be eating—or might even be toxic. A quick search is always the eas…
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catfish ask reddit relationship advice scammer ex girlfriend scammed relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend online dating dating - 22567685

'When I asked her about the differences in looks she had a meltdown': 20+ Singles share their experience being deceived and catfished by dates they met online

A lot of things in life aren't what they seem, but at least we're terrifyingly used to disappointment, thanks to having most things oversold to us by advertising only to have the reality be somewhat lackluster in comparison. The liberal usage of old or adjusted photos on dating apps is just the same strategy that real estate agents use when they photoshop a tiny bed into a photo of a closet-sized room in order to make it bigger and justify selling a two-bedroom house as a three-bedroom. In both…
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relationship advice petty-revenge-reddit ex girlfriend revenge revenge-stories relationship-drama girlfriends petty revenge relationships girlfriend online dating revenge-stories-reddit dating - 22370053

'I took my ex off my Spotify plan while she was on a road trip': Dude removes ex from streaming service mid-road trip, others share their stories

There are a lot of benefits to being in a relationship, but by far, one of the greatest is combining your streaming service logins to maximize access. Often, these logins won't even be your own, just logins that you've been grandfathered into over time through parents, friends, roommates—even exes with whom you're no longer even in contact. These login accesses are a matter of privilege, and one of the reasons why ending a relationship on good terms is a good idea in the modern dating landscape…
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ex girlfriend revenge dating stories petty revenge relationships cheating toxic relationship dating relationship-stories - 21503493

'It is the worst job I ever had': Dude gets calculated revenge by giving cheating girlfriend's new boyfriend his terrible job and dingy apartment

When a relationship ends suddenly—unexpectedly, with less than honest acts contributing to that abruptness—it can be hard to move forward. The lack of closure or preparedness, with your entire life and routine being turned on its head, is jarring, and the continued cycle of argument and retribution festers into a toxic tug-of-war that embroils both parties in an endless external and mental conflict. Anyone who tells you they're entirely faultless and managed a clean break in the aforementioned…
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'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

Facing the past can be challenging, but sometimes it's ironically hilarious. A man was cheated on by his ex-girlfriend who went on to gossip about him to mutual friends after their rough break up. For some reason, she couldn't fathom why he refused to forgive her for said cheating and went on to add insult to injury, sharing with a friend of his that he was ‘ugly’. OP didn't react and decided simply to move on with his life. Basically, he was the bigger person. We've got to hand it to his frien…
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'Light fuse and run': Chaotic man group-texts ALL of his ex-girlfriends on Christmas Day

'Light fuse and run': Chaotic man group-texts ALL of his ex-girlfriends on Christmas Day

Part of celebrating the holidays in these modern times is messaging everyone you know on Christmas Day, usually including a bunch of tree and present emojis. As you open your presents and share a meal with your loved ones, chances are you're also getting a bunch of texts from friends and relatives across the globe. One man named Tom decided to take a chance on Christmas Day …by texting all of his ex-girlfriends. Who knows what Tom thought when he made the choice to create a group chat with ever…
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Update! How I got revenge on my ex boyfriend and ex best friend.

Update! '[BF] has made multiple Facebook pages to message me': Woman gets revenge on cheating boyfriend and her best friend after she discovers their secret relationship

This woman exacted some seriously petty revenge on her boyfriend and best friend after she discovered the two were having a secret relationship behind her back. She then returned to the comment section to share how her petty revenge had sowed the seeds of discord between the new couple after her departure – which led to the couple breaking up. Yesterday we shared the original version of this story, in which the woman shared the story of her revenge to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. She then…
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