

Rude and entitled people demanding free things.

Laughable Cheapskates Who Felt They Were Entitled To Everything

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A collection of tales from different servers.

Tales From Servers That Have Seen It All

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Entitled Karen crashes her Jeep and doesn't have insurance, so she expects a stranger to pay for her.

Karen Wrecks Her Mercedes, Has No Insurance, Expects Stranger To Pay For Damages

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Woman on Twitter proceeds to shame people for being broke | Melissa Jeanine Follow @melissajknows Years ago first got married wanted make friends with neighbors our new apartment complex break ice baked batch scratch cookies and put them big Tupperware container and gave them girls at office.

Woman On Twitter Shames People For Being Broke

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Dad's Facebook post calls out parents who hand out cheap Halloween candy.

Dad Critiques Parents Who Hand Out Cheap Halloween Candy

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customer service wtf entitlement cringe freakout ridiculous - 7301893

Baffled Man Gets Accused Of Ruining Christmas For Not Delivering Free Table To A Client Over 180 Miles Away

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spoiled rich kids entitled people | Wheel - [] NordyNed 12.5k points 6 days ago* A kid in my graduating high school class was very wealthy. His parents bought him a Land Rover when he was 16 and he crashed it into a school bus. They bought him another Land Rover and he lost it street racing. Guess what? They bought him a Mercedes.

15 Stories About the Most Entitled and Spoiled Rich Kids That People Ever Witnessed

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The Winner of a Free Contest Gets Angry That They Didn't Win Enough From a Free Contest

contest doodle entitlement - 8134386176
Via Toby_S


cubicle fail depressing dickheads entitlement gross kill yourself lazy office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive plea poop Sad screw you signage snack machine vending vending machine whine - 3509922048

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