

Entitled son takes over as chef, reuses customers' unfinished soups, and gets reported | This revenge story happened 90s working after school as line cook chef's assistant at Chinese restaurant place specialized noodle soups, with main attraction being our soup stock owner used much revered passed down family recipe consisted freshly cracked pork bones, fresh spices and fresh vegetables all kept at rolling boil over 12 hours had be started night before and owner very particular about soup stock.

Chef Reuses Customers' Unfinished Soups, Loses Restaurant

That's just wrong.
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A toxic dad wants a free painting, gets rejected, and then won't pay the babysitter | my wife's best friend should do free spending close 5,000 gifts. Having kids is not cheap and is very stressing. So help out even consider paying few days watched kids us can even buy canvas money Wait talked and she said she'd pay babysitting lost. Am supposed gift an art pieces give and can pass as gift?

Toxic Dad Wants Free Painting, Gets Rejected, Won't Pay Babysitter

These people actually exist.
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Choosing beggar expects his friend to loan him his new car for a date | Today 2:34 PM Hey bro, is cool if still borrow whip tonight? Yeah man just bring back by 10 time swinging thru Aight homie. See then

Choosing Beggar Expects Friend To Loan Him New Car

Entitlement is the darnedest thing.
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An entitled aunt doesn't like that she's required to pay for shipping | Hi. Do still have Latin textbooks first year? Yeah never sold them end Do think could give them t? She needs them school. Sure thing Free? Yep Okay can come and drop them off not back until Easter but if can pay shipping can post them?

Entitled Aunt Doesn't Believe In Paying For Shipping

No reasoning with that attitude.
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Choosing beggar expects birthday discount, gets soundly denied | much size do are looking Like full 1080 logo,Banner,profile pic etc Isn't just same price? Not really, because 's based on long will take do. So example small profile pic would be much quicker than banner because size Oh okay well 's just like my Instagram page so doesn't need be big

Choosing Beggar Expects Birthday Discount, Seller Plays Their Game

Birthdays don't guarantee discounts.
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Woman on Facebook doesn't think that trimming trees is essential work | These people think trimming trees is essential | Barbara can be if prevents power outages, damage, etc Ann Barbara obviously don't live my neighborhood Barbara wow, sorry

Karen Says Tree Trimming Isn't Essential Work

Karen is bored.
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People that tried to negotiate with obnoxious levels of entitlement | Chat with 2008 Yaris Sedan $4,000 l'll give 950 right now. No questions asked. Take or leave Every second wait on this offer drop price by $50 ball Is court Haha! So offer is already at zero? No still 950 Take or leave Nope l only had 20 seconds respond, shoot. Guess missed out. | lowest can do including shipping?x is lowest x Including shipping £3 x Girl shipping is £2.95. Don't be clown

Choosing Beggars With Pockets Full Of Entitlement

They traded rationality for delusions.
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A choosing beggar wants to hijack a ride that a couple had set up to the wedding, months in advance | Hi guys, just about (Bride's) wedding middle trying arrange my travel wedding have spoken Lift Giver) and she has said might be too squashed with everyone car want avoid making(Lift Giver) feel awkward by letting anyone down so wondered One would feel, since both drive, about driving one cars down so everyone is able go can't afford whole family attend hence why am just going x

Choosing Beggar Wants To Hijack Couple's Ride To Wedding

Just imagine being this entitled.
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horrible entitled friend wants free drinks | doesn't have any money her OWN birthday and need there bought drinks last weekend so thought come and do again this weekend but obviously not im sorry alright but have been looking forward london since booked and wanna go, if could get refund would

Entitled "Friend" Wants Free Drinks, Gets Evil About It

Might not want to consider this person a friend anymore.
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Entitled "Karen" steals her co-worker's snacks until a petty revenge note is written | reddit post r/pettyrevenge votedog woman at work stealing my snack drawer knew exactly who she only one who had seen where put them. This woman pain: opinionated, gossipy, lazy, and just all around drama call her Karen knew if approached her, she'd deny get all butt hurt and make scene. Sol let go.

Entitled Karen Steals Co-Worker's Snacks, Revenge Note Ensues

Sometimes a note is all that it takes.
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Choosing beggars that have obscene levels of entitlement | CB that asks if anyone has a coffee grinder they can have and when someone offers it to them they proceed to specify that it must be the top of the line |  Job posting that requires minimum of 20 years experience and is only offering $15 per hour

Choosing Beggars With Obscene Levels Of Entitlement

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A Christmas-themed tale of an entitled woman's quest for a free coffee shop journal.

Christmasy Tale Of Choosing Beggar's Quest For Free Journal

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A collection of AskReddit replies to times the real world put rich kids in a reality check | Sickofitblonde 47m At Starbucks and she thought apparently people gave her parents free drinks and such her all these years. Like cashier told her total and she said Wait don't get free She never realized her parents swiping their cards all those years paying her things guess.

Real-World Lessons Knocking Sense Into Spoiled Rich Kids (21 Stories)

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customer service entitlement FAIL cringe driver ridiculous - 100554241

Uber Driver Kicks Out Entitled Brats

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A collection of bridezilla cases that are filled to the brim with delusional entitlement.

Bridezilla Cases That Are Filled With Delusions

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Manicurist responds to a choosing beggar who can't believe she was out shopping and having a social life.

Manicurist Responds To Customer Who Can't Believe She Has A Social Life

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