
entitled people

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Karens never fail to make a scene in increasingly bizarre situations!
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AITA for not getting up from a massage chair when someone wanted to use it?

'They asked me to get off the chair': Pregnant woman eats ice cream on massage chair in a mall, refuses to leave when customers request massages

You have to hand it to this woman for refusing to leave until she finished her ice cream. She might be a jerk, but she is also an icon.
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Smoking in a nonsmoking restaurant

'In comes this entitled man': Grown man gets confronted by teenage employee for smoking in a non-smoking restaurant

Either this guy refuses to read the signs or he's a jerk. Those are the only two options!
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Entitled boomer curses me out at work for not saying “thank you”

'He was angry and upset because I didn’t say thank you': Woman gets cursed out and threatened by entitled boomer at work

The number of people in this world who expect graciousness after they are already being hostile is absurd!
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When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry

It doesn't get more entitled and tone-deaf than this...
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Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

They say beggars can't be choosers, and yet these folks said, "Yes we can!"
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employee get wrongfully accused of stealing, turns out to be their entitled karen coworker, innocent working feels vindicated

Wrongfully Accused Worker Gets Satisfying Justice After Catching Entitled Karen Employee Stealing on Camera

Nothing is worse than working somewhere where the manager distrust you for no real reason . This Redditor shared the story about when they were wrongfully accused of stealing while working at a movie theater. They didn't even work at the register at the time, but apparently their manager was convinced it was them. However, justice was satisfyingly served once the truth came out. The Redditor not only got to clear their name, they also got to see their entitled Karen co-worker get caught stealin…
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Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Never forget those calls are being recorded...
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Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Wherever there are children, there's a good chance you'll run into an entitled mother or two!
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'She decided to drop her threat to change companies': Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

Never mess with the companies that provide you with essential services!
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What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I have no interest working for you': 30+ entitled people getting their much-deserved comeuppance

Is there anything more satisfying than bearing witness to an entitled person facing the fact that they have absolutely no power?
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terrible coworkers antiwork employee coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker employment workplace-stories choosing beggars entitled entitled people choosing beggar

Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

What is it about the workplace that causes grown-ass adults to lose all common sense? Sure, they probably don't want to be there—but none of us do either, and we're not going around making life more intolerable than it already has to be. The similarities between what you experience in the workplace and middle school classroom are just a testament to the fact that most people never mature; instead, living their lives in the same perpetual state of petty behavior and hatred as they did when they…
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aita reddit story story entitled red flags stories red flag entitled people - 19122437

20+ People Share the Subtle Signs That Someone is an A-Hole

If someone is snapping their fingers at waitstaff, shouting down a customer service rep, or abusing a stranger—they're an a-hole—absolutely no question about it; by acting in this way, they have broadcast their character loud and clear to the rest of us. But not all a-holes are quite so blatant; some do an incredible job of disguising themselves as a well-meaning person—a wolf in sheep's clothing—if you will. These people can go undetected for long periods of time, only exposing themselves in s…
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workplace-stories entitled parents drama workplace workplace drama karen entitled people employment - 19149573

Entitled Karen coworker insists woman's out of work commitments are less important than her children, sparks office drama

Is your personal time less important than your coworkers just because you don't have children? This woman was asked by her Karen coworker to cover an evening call for her. Karen's son had a soccer game that she wanted to attend, and she was getting desperate. The woman, who has since deleted the post, so we are unable to get her username, responded that she was unable to cover the call for Karen as she had plans already. She had a volleyball game to attend that she was partaking in. Further, sh…
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nsane entitled parents mother terrible-parrent parenting entitled Parenting Fail entitled people parenting-stories

'Get a better job': Terrible mother borrows car from son and shames him when he wants to drive it to work

The support of your parents can be extremely determinant of your own success—the trade-off being that their support in raising you out of diapers will be repaid when they return to them. It's a fair trade—when the parents uphold their end of the deal and aren't depraved and selfish narcissists—or otherwise toxic and destructive to be around. Now, we're all complicated people, and none of us are without our flaws, but some people are better off far away… and out of your life. Take this delightfu…
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AITA for getting into a dispute with the daycare staff over my child's nap schedule?

'Your expectations are not realistic': Entitled Karen Mom fights with daycare stuff over nap time

Lady, if you're going to be this difficult, get a nanny!
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