
entitled people

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit six flags karen entitled people - 19739397

'It's like a Karenpalooza': Six Flags Karen enraged that she can't cut the line for a free refill

In case you hadn't heard, one of the most popular attractions for the Karens of the world is the amusement park.
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reviews karens review funny reviews 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 2031879

Karen leaves business 1-star review because someone was rude to her child adjacent to it

Imagine you're a business owner who has just opened up their doors. You operate out of a storefront in a small neighborhood center that provides outdoor maintenance and cleaning. Along comes a Karen with her flock of children; they're out of control, making a fuss and a scene. The maintenance guy is out front cleaning the sidewalk. They're repeatedly getting in the maintenance guy's way, pestering him with all types of questions, and he quickly has just about had enough. He lets it fly at Karen…
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tales-from-the-front-desk workplace-stories employee hotel entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19705861

'I was that lady who checked you in last time. And I did not say that': Entitled hotel guest tries to cheat his way to a cheaper rate, gets caught in a lie

Some folks will lie, cheat, and steal to get a cheaper rate, even if the difference is just $8.
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'Hate to sound picky, but...': Top 20 Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 16, 2023)

'Hate to sound picky, but...': Top 20 Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 16, 2023)

You can't just ask for free things and then throw a fit when you don't get what you wanted! But no one told that to this weeks' “choosing beggars,”
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karens entitled parents server Memes jerk jerks entitled entitled people - 19723013

'This line is so long, do you know who I am?': 15+ entitled jerks who need to take several seats

There are people in this world who will simply never learn.
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airport revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19700485

'Don't flip out on people for things they can't control': Entitled airline passenger harasses employee about the weather, employee makes sure their luggage gets soaked

Here's a newsflash to Karens everywhere: airline employees can't control the weather.
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AITA for reporting my sons math teacher to the school board for ineptitude and being so rude to me? I would like him fired from his provisional contract.

Entitled Karen Tries to Fire Her Kid's Math Teacher For Making Him Take Notes

This kid will never learn anything with his entitled mom around!
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reviews karens review 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19707397

'You were trying to flee the place without paying': Karen leaves a 1-star review after trying to dine and dash, owner responds

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Let's face it; some people really struggle to take accountability for their own behavior, to the point that they're reading to get dirty, messy—even feral—as long as it keeps them from having to face the truth that they're a Karen. When this Karen took it upon themself to leave a 1-star review for their dining experience, it didn't take long before the owner responded to put them in their place. The owner responded by saying that the Karen h…
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karens entitled parents pizza entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19663621

‘This is why I hate people’: Pizza Karen thinks waitress is a teen mom, tips heavily, then demands money back

No one said tipping should be about whether or not you’re the mother of the crying baby in the restaurant.
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karens security entitled parents mother entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19663877

‘But do I LOOK like a shoplifter?’: Entitled Mom asked to show receipt before leaving store, goes into full Karen rage mode

As if people who wear nice clothes don’t steal…
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karens security hotel karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19654661

'I'll stuff you in that washing machine': Crazy hotel Karen throws tantrum at front desk employee at 1 AM, chases her into the laundry room

If this isn't the premise for the next best horror comedy, I don't know what is.
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karens fitness karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen yoga entitled people - 19639045

'Instantly she starts sprinting to the front desk': Yoga Karen gets diabolical, steals woman's spot in class

There's nothing like a competitive yoga class to bring the Karens out!
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neighbors entitled parents neighborhood mother entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19640581

Update: 'Get off my property now': Entitled Mom breaks into neighbor's backyard to use the pool, gets kicked out, kid destroys neighbor's home with fireworks

This one is full of twists and turns that give entitled mothers a whole new look.
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gym class aita gym gyms entitled entitled people - 19613445

'AITA For Yelling at Someone to Shut Up?': Woman shuts down obnoxious gym-goer and asks the internet for advice

This gym-goer had simply had enough of another person being loud and disruptive in their gym's athletic classes. They were pushed to limits that they claim they normally wouldn't go to and told the disruptive person to shut up. Now they're wondering if they're wrong for their outburst. It's generally pretty shocking when someone displays a complete lack of self-awareness and care for the people around them; playing loud music on public transportation (or in any public space) and generally being…
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handicapped revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 19636485

'The sense of entitlement puts me in a rage': Jerk uses accessible parking spot without a pass, guy gets petty revenge by surrounding his car with shopping carts

This guy may not have had an accessibility issue at first... that is, until he angered this father.
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workplace-stories entitled parents toxic-workplace coworkers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19577605

'I said no!': Top Entitled People of the Week (March 7, 2023)

Entitlement comes in many forms in this life.
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