
entitled people

customer service karens entitled parents barista karen-customer customers customer Karen-in-the-wild entitled people - 20748805

'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

Dealing with customers is probably the worst part of working retail or service jobs. It can be the best part too—but ten positive experiences can be overshadowed by one violent, screaming adult tantrum. If you've ever worked one of these jobs—you know exactly what I'm talking about. It may be no use crying over spilled milk, but that didn't stop this grown adult woman from throwing a complete tantrum over the temperature of it. After collecting a cup of “warm” milk from a location of a major co…
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'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

We all have that one coworker...
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'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

That kid is going to resent her aunt for the rest of her life after this.
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customer service hotel toxic-workplace customers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20674053

Top Tales From the Front Desk (May 28, 2023)

Welcome to the lobby of a hotel, where folks working the front desk have all had to deal with some ridiculous behavior. These stories were compiled from Reddit's r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk subreddit, and let's just say that some deal with entitlement, some deal with unfortunate smells, and some deal with shady guests. At the end of the day, though, the moral of all these stories is to respect the people checking you in. You don't know what kind of a day they've had! Keep scrolling below for a look…
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'Why can't I have these?': Entitled shopper tries to grab food right out of customer's grocery cart

'Karen literally stomps her foot and says, "Why can't I have these?"': Entitled shopper tries to steal right out of customer's grocery cart

This is a strange one — why would this woman try to steal food from another customer while in a grocery store?
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entitlement flight plane entitled reddit thread Reddit airplane entitled people - 20673285

'Okay, my seat is way back there': Woman tries to trick passenger to switch seats on flight, flight attendant intervenes

Unless you're moving further away from a crying baby, never switch sets on a plane.
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workplace-stories Truckers on the job working-life revenge tales-from-the-workplace petty revenge trucker entitled blue collar truck driver entitled people working out - 20687621

'Ohh well, I can wait': Gas pump blockers fuel truck drivers' revenge

The blocking of gas pumps is one of those everyday entitled behaviors that, while relatively innocuous, tips over into mildly infuriating levels of moderate frustration. These people probably are the same ones who cut up an empty turn lane or shoulder to dodge traffic. Their behavior isn't illegal in any sense, but it defies the sensibilities of us more civilized and compassionate folk. These truckers had had enough of people (including other truckers) blocking fuel pumps by taking their 30-min…
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'We're not bringing our butler on vacation': 25 People whose entitlement left everyone around them shaking their heads

'We're not bringing our butler on vacation': 25 Entitled and snobby people who think the world revolves around them

Entitled people just live in their own world. If you have enough money, you can live life exactly as you wish, from the moment you wake up in the morning to the minute you go to bed each night. Many wealthy people become sheltered from the realities of everyday life. After all, while it's convenient for them to have an entire team of people at your beck and call, like personal assistants, nannies, chefs, or chauffeurs, the rest of us trying our best to get by without the extra help. Some wealth…
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit Cats karen entitled people - 20654597

'I'm going to need you to fix that': Karen and Kevin demand that neighbor's cat tower left for trash pickup be cleaned, daughter enacts petty revenge

Karen and Kevin clearly only deserve the cat tower as is.
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watch expensive jewelry thief thieves stolen steal stealing cousin family uncle entitled family family-drama drama reddit aita petty

'My stuff was more precious to me than her dignity': Girl steals $12,000 worth of watches and jewelry from her cousin's bedroom, gets caught in the act then offended when he goes through her bag

When a family member becomes financially successful and is moving forward in life, why is it that hangers-on and fringe members of the family feel entitled to a piece of their success? Your cousin may be buying fancy jewelry and accessories with their new-found cash, but that certainly doesn't entitle you to a piece of their diamond encrusted pie.
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malicious compliance revenge public transportation petty revenge petty entitled public transport entitled people karens karens in the wild karen - 20545541

'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

The noble backpack has been used by mankind for centuries, with its usage dating back to ancient times, first likely being used by hunters to carry gear and supplies. Now that pedigree is joined by a new usage: accompanying a Karen on a long journey. If you look, you will find that there is a long and storied history of people becoming great friends with backpacks, “Dora the Explorer” being the most notable example. The famed explorer is now joined by this Karen, who undoubtedly became fast fri…
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customer service revenge customers petty revenge reddit thread Reddit entitled people DMV - 20634629

'You don't have to make [the DMV] any worse': Rude customer berates DMV worker, she gets petty revenge by giving him the worst license plate number

No one enjoys being at the dreaded Department of Motor Vehicles, otherwise known as the DMV or the physical manifestation of purgatory.
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'The look on her face was priceless': Mom faces off with teenager over metro seat

'The look on her face was priceless': Entitled mom faces off with teenager in dispute over metro seat

Traveling exposes you to all sorts of people, whether you want to be in their presence or not. The teen in this story is clearly used to dealing with entitled people, and the way he put this Karen in her place will surely resonate with that woman for a long time to come. “I saw this today and I can't stop laughing,” shared u/WhatTheH*ll431 to r/entitledparents. They wrote that while traveling on their city metro, there was a dispute over who should sit in the reserved seats, meant for disabled…
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Literal Karen tries to avoid mandatory tip by ripping up receipt

'Terrible service, never coming back': Cranky Karen refuses to pay mandatory tip, rips up the check

The nerve of this Karen!
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karens entitled parents karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20605189

Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

The Karens have been coming out in droves this May! These days, it seems like everywhere you turn on the Internet, whether it's Reddit or Twitter or TikTok, there's another entitled Karen making a scene. She could be throwing a fit at a staff member or leaving an unnecessary one-star review somewhere. For everyone's enjoyment, we've compiled a list of the top 10 Karens this week. For more compilations like this, here are this week's top choosing beggars.
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workplace-stories entitled sister reddit thread Reddit mom entitled people choosing beggar - 20588293

'My mom had to literally be the one to fire my sister': Mom gets unemployed daughter work twice, daughter gets herself fired both times

This daughter needs to learn that no job is beneath her.
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